Chapter 16 (Winner Dean )

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Hello world!  I returned!  I am very sorry for my long absence. I had a whole month full of exams and essential papers to complete, and in the last few days, I have been very sick.  But now I'm fine, and I'm back with the story, I'll try from now on to update this story as often as I can, and I hope to start the new book that I've proposed to write. 

 So I returned with the story between Winner and Dean because I haven't written anything about this couple, so now is the time to see what will happen between the two. 

 If you have forgotten the beginning of the story of the two, I advise you to re-read it (it is very short)

 Winner pov

 I went in for questioning.   It was a closed and dark room.

 Policeman: So Mr. Winner what was your relationship with Mr. Tony? 

 Winner: I was part of a car racing team that Mr. Tony then sponsored.  I was asked by him to perform some tasks for him. 

 Policeman: What kind of tasks? 

 Winner: To sabotage the opposing X-hunter team. 

 Policeman: Do you know why? 

 Winner: Because the children they had adopted had left home. 

 Policeman: Another reason? 

 Winner: I don't know anything more. 

 Policeman: And why did you agree to work for him? 

 Winner: Because he offered me a large amount of money and I needed it. 

 Policeman: Good!  I understand.  Now one more question before we end the interrogation.  What do you have to do with that boy outside? 

 Winner: He was part of the X-Hunter team and Tony forced me to bring him to our side. 

 The policeman: Depending on the other statements, we will decide what to do. 

 They took me back to the waiting room and sat next to Dean's chair.

 Winner: Be careful what you say.  We have a very good chance of getting out of here very well. 

 Dean: I mean lie. 

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