Chapter 4(North Sonic)

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For a few days, Sonic had been staying at North's house. He had invited him one evening to watch a movie together, which turned into a series marathon because they both loved watching movies and because now they were together it was fun for the two of them. The whole evening North held Sonic while they sat on the couch and always fed Sonic popcorn and other sweets all of Sonic's favorites.

North pov:

After a few days, I started to realize that I liked Sonic more than just a friend. It was just a little more complicated, I didn't want to lose my friendship with my best friend, even though I felt deep in my heart that there was a possibility that Sonic might like me too. So I kept looking for a way to somehow share with him my feelings without breaking our relationship. I was already prepared for Sonic's refusal and was ready to assure him that I would forget all feelings for him just so we could still be friends because I couldn't imagine my life without his presence.

One day I had the idea to invite him to watch a new movie at my house, and maybe that way I would find a suitable moment to talk to him. So I asked him at the garage:

North: Listen Sonic, do you want to come to my place to watch a movie, can we talk more?

Sonic: Yeah! I want to see that new movie come out.

North: Okay, then tonight at 8, at my place?

Sonic: Yes, it's perfect!

North: Then I'll wait for you tonight! See you!

I quickly got into the car and stopped at the nearest store to buy all of Sonic's favorite snacks: popcorn, puffs, chocolate, jellies... I was very excited that he was going to come to me but at the same time I was scared of how I would tell him how I felt for him

Author pov:

The two had just finished the last episode of season 2 of a series. It was 3 in the morning and the two weren't asleep yet, but Sonic was starting to get really tired and almost fell asleep in North's warm and protective arms. North seeing him very sleepy picked him up and carried him to his room. Sonic was too tired to realize that North was carrying him.

North pov:

I opened the door to the room and placed him very carefully on my bed. Sonic was half asleep, so I took the blanket and wrapped him very carefully. I was happy just looking at him. I decided to go to the bathroom to change because I was very sleepy too when I heard Sonic saying something in his sleep:

Sonic: Why do you have to be so nice to me? How can I admit that I like you when you're my best friend?

I couldn't believe what he just said. Does he like me? Or was it not about me? But still, I was his best friend... There were a thousand thoughts in my head, but I decided that the next morning I had to talk to him. So I joined him and hugged him tightly and that's how I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up before him and went down to the kitchen to prepare something. It was Saturday and we didn't have to go to the garage, so I stayed focused on how to tell Sonic what he had just said that night. While I was absorbed in my thoughts Sonic came down:

Sonic: Good morning!

North: Morning! How did you sleep?

Sonic: Pretty good, but I don't know exactly when I fell asleep and how I got to bed.

North: You fell asleep after I finished the last episode. I saw that you were half asleep so I carried you to the room.

Sonic: I understand, thanks. he says this giving me a big smile

Now was the time, I said to myself...

North: Hear Sonic...last night...

Sonic: Yeah? I did something?

North: No, you just said something...

Sonic was looking at me with a questioning face, it was clear that he didn't remember anything. So I took a deep breath and said everything in one breath without realizing if I even spoke correctly or formed a coherent sentence...

North: Do you like me??

Instant Sonic blushed in the face. He didn't say anything and was looking down avoiding my gaze. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable so I continued

North: I like you! I've been trying to tell you for some time, but I can't. I didn't want to ruin our friendship so I kept avoiding the subject. I approach him, take his hand, and continue

North: If you like me too...can you tell me, please...

Sonic looked up and looked deep into my eyes. His eyes were wet and he started to say something to me with a trembling voice

Sonic: too...I like you...very much indeed

I was so happy when I heard what he told me. I immediately took him in my arms and after a few moments spent in each other's arms I whispered:

North: Do you want to be my boyfriend?

Sonic: Yes, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time!

After hearing his answer, I pulled him into a kiss. We kissed for a good few minutes until my stomach and his started to get upset.

We spent the whole day hugging and kissing and I asked him to stay with me all weekend

End Flashback

The people in the garage listened attentively to their whole story but were not entirely surprised

Babe: So that means we are 3 couples?

Charlie: Yeah...

Alan: If you don't work and show interest in work and sit around all day hugging and kissing each other I'm firing you both. Let's be clear!

Jeff: Lung, calm down a bit. Let them enjoy every moment together. I'm sure they won't neglect work.

Babe: Lung but you can afford to stay all day with Jeff and hug him

Everyone in the room laughed at Babe's assertions

Alan: I'm the boss here and I get to do what I want, winking at Jeff. Now everyone gets to work!

I hope you enjoy this first North Sonic chapter.

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love you all❤️

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