Chapter 11 ​​(PeteWay)

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Pete pov

 Way was in the hospital for 2 weeks. He was going to be discharged soon, but he couldn't bear to stay in the hospital any longer. I could feel the fact that he was already bored sitting in that environment and doing absolutely nothing, so I thought I would talk to the doctor and the nurses and ask them to let him go home, guaranteeing them that I would personally take the best care of him.

 We spent every day sitting together, even if sometimes I had to go to work because Way had asked me to go so that he would have felt stupid to stand in the way of my work. While I was gone, the others came to keep him company. He had even started to get along very well with Chalie, discovering that they both had some common preferences, especially when it came to food. Way had gotten over all the feelings he'd had for Babe. Now the important thing was that his friend was happy. 

 I wanted to show him that I liked him and I wanted to give him all the love in the world, but I knew that it wasn't the right time yet because not enough time had passed. So I always stayed by his side, supporting him and helping him from all points of view. I was just waiting for the moment when I will be able to tell him how I feel and I will be able to show my loving side only to him.

 Way pov

 I was feeling better and better. Pete was always by my side and refused to leave me at night. Although it was very uncomfortable, he slept on the couch and always made sure I had everything. I felt like a spoiled child. 

 I had seen this kind and gentle side of him from the beginning. It's just that back then I didn't pay much attention to it. Maybe I had taken advantage of his kindness to convince Babe that I could help them and that I regretted what I had done. 

 Despite this fact, he was still with me, and every time he refused to go to work or even home to supervise me. At one point, he gave in because I said that I would not listen to him and I would not talk to him again if he refused to go to work. He was very stubborn, maybe just like me, but he had to accept and slowly return to his previous life. Even if the others always came to me and we laughed, we all watched a movie or a series or went out in front of the hospital, I felt bored and lonely in a way.

 One afternoon, when I was sitting alone outside on a road in front of the hospital, I saw Pete in the distance. He was dressed in a suit, with his white shirt perfectly pressed. It seemed so beautiful to me. I started to smile without realizing it and waved at him lightly. I saw him approaching me. My heart started pounding as it does every time Pete was next to me.

Pete: Hi! How are you? Are you ok?

 Way: Hello! Yes, I'm good. You? Have you finished the work earlier today?

 Pete: I had less work today, plus I came to give you some news.

 Way: What happened?

 I felt his warm hand as he gently took mine in his. That feeling drove me completely crazy. For a few seconds, I almost forgot to breathe.

 Pete: I spoke to the doctor and tomorrow they will discharge you.

 Way: Pete, seriously?

 Pete: Yes, I spoke to the doctor personally and he told me that your condition is good but I still have to take care of you.

 Way:  Pete, thank you so much! Not to believe that you did this for me! Honestly, I couldn't stand here anymore.

 Pete: I noticed. That's why I talked to the doctor. It's just like I said I have to take care of you so I thought it would be better if you moved in with me for the next few weeks.

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