CHAPTER 9 (Alan Jeff)

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A new usual day at the garage. Alan was stressed about how the next race would go and the condition of Way who was still staying at home until he fully recovered. Jeff was as usual under the hood of a car adjusting it. Although now everyone was quiet like getting rid of Tony, everyone seemed to be too stressed and didn't have time to communicate well with each other. 

Babe and Charlie were training hard together and so was Kim who was now part of their team. North and Sonic were also focused on their channels because they wanted as much fame as possible for the team. Alan was super busy with documents and all kinds of papers to sign because Way was at home and had to do everything by himself, and Jeff was trying to bring all 3 cars at their best.

The two had not had a calm moment together for about 2 weeks. Although Jeff was not a person to be attached to someone, with Alan he was different. They both loved each other very much, and Alan always pampered him and made sure to show Jeff everything of the love he had for him. Only now that work was giving them all the plans to spend beautiful moments together were turned upside down. Alan spent almost the whole day in his office and only at lunch when he could no longer resist seeing Jeff come down.

Jeff pov

Today he only came down once at lunch to see me. It's almost evening and we have to leave and he hasn't finished yet. I don't know if I can put up with this any longer. I know he's busy and doesn't have time to think about us, but sometimes I need him to be with me. I always try to help him as much as I can but something always comes up.

 I know Alan and Pete want Way to stay at home but they should at least let him work from home because that's how it would make Alan's work easier. I knew it sounded selfish on my part, but at this rate, Alan was going to get sick. He wasn't eating well and he was not sleeping enough. But he should still spend time with me. It was Friday night and the weekend was coming. I had to do something, Alan had to take a break. At least for a few days.

I went up the stairs and went to his office. When I opened the door, I saw that he greeted me with a big smile, but his eyes showed how tired he really was.

Jeff: Lung, let's go home.

Alan: I still have some documents to complete.

I approached him and sat on his lap. 

Jeff: It's Friday night, please, come home. We're both very tired, especially you. I told him this, kissing him on the cheek.

Alan: Okay, come on.

I took him by the hand and after he closed the garage, I got into the car and drove home.

Jeff: Do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?

Alan: I might still have some work to do, but if you want to go somewhere, fine.

Jeff: Lung, please, I know maybe I'm selfish, but have you thought about us these days, about me?! For something else besides work? When was the last time you held me in your arms, when I kissed me you like you do, not only on the forehead or the cheek when you say "good night" or in the garage when you go down to lunch? When?! When we went out together to walk, watch a movie, or simply sit on the couch watching TV. I know you have a lot of work and I understand and support you, but for 2 weeks it's been like it's upside down. It's not us anymore.

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