Chapter 47 Friends, Friends

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<Paris Square>

Despite the mounting tension in the city, the citizens of Paris continued business as normal. Carrier boys delivered fruits, vegetables, and letters through crowds of hungry citizens. It was midday and the culture of dining in cafes and restaurants was in full swing. At night the square would be silent and ghostly but now it was more boisterous than any festival. No matter how refined they wished to act, the constant buzz of conversation had grown in a bonfire too large to control. Kallen was walking the streets, smiling at passersby. She seemed so outgoing and friendly and yet no one approached her. No one progressed the interaction beyond a simple wave or polite greeting.

"Some shops don't accept pence." Skye lamented. "Livres are only printed by the King but there's a universal currency, why are people so picky?"

They had just exited a shop, despite Kallen's status the shop treated her with as much privilege as any other Valkyrie. Serving Valkyries didn't need to pay taxes and that includes sales tax. Sakura was off training and Ava was holed up in her room. Olivia was doing god knows what. To get out of the stiff boredom and to learn more about the city, Kallen decided to hangout with Skye who mentioned her desire to buy a souvenir. That's how they were side by side at this moment.

"Is it so important to buy souvenirs?"

Skye pocketed the coins she shook out of annoyance. She turned to Kallen and addressed her with a more well natured smile. It was more natural than normal and from an outsider's perspective they looked to be well acquainted. They could even be friends.

"Souvenirs are proof that I've traveled the world. I got to bring back some to the village and tell them all the amazing stories I've lived."

Kallen tilted her head. Her ears pricked and she felt an urge to listen to more.

"Is this just an adventure to you?"

Skye nodded while eyeing a bookshop. Kallen followed until the scent of fresh paper and dried ink filled her nostrils. Wet ink would've entrapped her more. Skye browsed the books until she finally landed on a simple leather-bound book. It was as thin as a plate and not all too expensive but that didn't matter to Skye.

"Hey, I'd like to buy this at pence values."

The old man looked up from his morning paper. He sat behind an old wooden counter by the edge of the door. The board behind him was tacked with countless papers. They were as plentiful as feathers on a crane.

"Livres." He huffed, his eyes returned to his news.

"Surely you can do pence."

Skye's eyes darted across his desk. Books that were in need of repair or books that were too dusty occupied the space. He was delaying his lunch by the looks of it. None of that could be used as leverage but something caught her eye. Despite the clutter on the desk, he made space for a miniature flag of Paris. It was in good condition, the red and blue colors merged beautifully, and the crown above the wreaths had not one speck of dust contaminating it.

"Livres." He grunted.

Skye scanned beyond the counter and eyed a set of silverware too expensive for a shop owner to own. It shouldn't be on display but he seemed unworried about its position. His shop sat huddled in a small corner of the square. It was dark and hidden from most of the square but it still was quite expensive to afford. Despite his gruff look, he was dressed as splendidly as a butler. Skye's eyes returned to the man, she had enough wood to burn. The book she just happened to wish to purchase lined up with the man. She could haggle.

"I'm sorry I have no Livres."

"Then please leave."

"But I'm in desperate need."

"What are you desperate for?"

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