Chapter 54 News and Print

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<Streetside Cafe>

The tension was palpable. Marth shivered as Camilla took a set next to her. Kallen's gaze fell on Camilla and so did Eleanor's. Camilla was unfazed by their might. She never had the obligation to partake in Valkyrie duties. That was mainly because she wasn't one according to the records of her family or her church. Yet by her side were two thin daggers, hardly concealed under her skirt. She was dressed no different than any common courier. A little gray bot cap, a white blouse with a vest, and trousers made her look tomboyish. Given her attire, one would mistakenly label her a commoner despite the noble blood in her veins. She was an heir for one of the most powerful families in France. Now she was nothing, a common broker of information and supplies.

"Pardon me," Camilla scanned the table. Kallen's mountain of plates spoke for itself. The waiters rushing back and forth spoke louder. "I'd like some milk but it'd be rude."

"I concur." Joy mumbled.

"I take it we're all in agreement?"

Camilla raised her hand, so did Joy. Shakespeare raised hers as well. Sakura and Marth followed suit. Only Eleanor didn't raise her hand, she didn't wish to participate in such trivialities. Kallen slowly munched on some baked bread. Since she didn't know why they were raising their hands, she wouldn't.

"Less trickery," Eleanor scowled. "Lead us to your sources."

"I'm afraid you've hit a deadend. I'm a mere broker of information."

"A bridge dweller? How long have you been in the business?"

"A few years."

"Do you want to tell any more lies?"

"No princess Schariac, I'll comply with your royal decrees. I was fed this information from my agents. They spied on the activities of the Archbishop of Paris and she had made a few arrangements with the families managing not just the granary but the river."

"That's hardly anything, the woman also bears no stigma."

"No she does. She's just concealing it. It's a simple trick. I've always done the same."

Faint bits of Honkai energy spasmed around Camilla. The glow of stigma marked her chin before it suddenly disappeared. Cain had entrusted Eleanor to investigate Joy's case. He had postponed judgment on the Fienre family because some of the evidence was misaligned. Naturally, Eleanor did her research when Joy mentioned that her informant was the surviving heir of the Burrus family.

"It's weak."

"Weak enough right?"

"So you say. I personally investigated the Archbishop. I found her to be free of fault."

"Then you clearly aren't fit to be an investigator."

"I don't need insults, I need verification. Tell us why we should let the interrogation officers take you?"

"They could be under the archbishop. I think your friend Shakespeare would agree. She confirmed the information herself."

"She's not sure."

"Oh? Aren't you being too cooperative?"

That question was aimed at the petite playwright. Shakespeare ignored Camilla. She was normally so attentive but Joy had noticed that she had changed. It was a sudden change. Under Eleanor's and Kallen's watch she dwindled away. It was as though she was carrying the weight of the world.

"Hmm, you all seemed troubled. I've offered all the information I was given. As for the granary issue I'm afraid that I too fell for the trap. It was an accident."

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