false hope

920 9 0

TW: anal sex, alcohol usage, swearing, praising, one-person drunk sex

top dream
bottom george

Dream sat alone on the couch.

Sapnap was in North Carolina, and George was God knows where— somewhere in the house.

So, Dream was alone. Scrolling through his phone. On the couch. Like stated. It's not that he hated being alone, but he hated being alone when he knew he had the option of a friend there.

He just couldn't find said friend.

Besides, George had been. . . distant recently. Whether distant was the right word— Dream wasn't quite, but he frankly didn't care. It felt as if George was avoiding him or something, no matter how stupid that sounded.

Whenever Dream walked into the same room as George, it appeared as if George was trying to find an excuse to leave said room as quickly as possible. Lord forbid Dream even talked to George— George would just walk away.

Maybe he was stressed or something; that led to Dream not pushing George about his issues.

But George had been stuck in England, alone, for years— and now he was here with Dream and Sapnap. Why was he still pushing them away? Or, at least Dream.

He had walked in on George calling Sapnap; they two were laughing about something, and when Dream asked him what the two were laughing about— George mumbled a reply before pushing past him and leaving to his office.

Sure, it was a dick move, but Dream didn't know what was happening in George's head, so why would he make it a bigger deal than what it was? It's not like George would be like this forever.


Before Dream could mentally reply to himself, there was a shuffle in the kitchen, and a George came stumbling through.

"Hi Dream!"

Someone was in a good mood.

"Uhm. . . hello?" Dream narrowed his eyes at George, who skipped through the kitchen door before plopping beside Dream on the couch.

"Hi—!" George giggled a bit.

He began blabbering about. . . about something. Dream wasn't listening to him; he just wanted to know what was wrong with George.

"Uhh— you good George?" Dream hummed.

"What?" George giggled and leaned his head on Dreams shoulder. "I'm more than okay! What gives you the idea I'm not? You're being silly, Dream."


"Silly goose! Dreams a silly goose!" George poked Dream on the nose with his finger before collapsing onto Dream, laying his head in Dreams lap with his own hands touching Dreams face.

Dream stopped chewing the gum he was eating.

Dream wrinkled his nose. "Dude— what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Hmm. . ." George scooted farther up Dreams lap. "Nothin'!" George grinned.

"You're acting weird."

"Nooo!" George chewed his bottom lip, blinking fondly at Dream. "You're acting weird."

Dream grabbed George's wrists, and pulled his hands off of his face. "Don't do that, George, c'mon."

"Do what?" George grinned.

"Put your hands on my face."

"Where should I put them then?" George said in a flirty tone; Dream ignored it.

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