all whores are replacable

869 9 3

TW: anal sex, swearing, mention of prostitution, club, strippers

no editing! >o<

top dream
bottom george

He tugged at the collar of his white dress shirt.

It was almost fully buttoned up, yet he let the last first button unbuttoned in order to reveal his collarbones.

He wore black dress pants, a gold chain, and his hair was slightly wet and brushed over his eyes.

He licked his lips; he supposed he looked alright.

The door behind him pulled open, and he snapped around to see Sapnap leaning on the bathrooms doorframe, his hands in his pockets.

He wore something similar— except instead, there was a black button up with a silver chain around Sapnaps neck.

"You almost ready?"

Dream sighed, and looked away from the mirror. "Do we really have to go to a strip club?"

"It's your twenty-third birthday! We have to go," Sapnap shrugged. "Besides, I'm tired of you moping around all alone— it ruins my mellow."

"And you think a club is a good way to find someone?"

Sapnap hummed. "Maybe one of the dancers will want you—?"

"Oh shut up." Dream sprayed a squirt of cologne on his chest, rubbed it in, before turning fully toward Sapnap and sighed.

"You aren't allowed to pout on your birthday. C'mon, I swear it'll be fun! Besides, we don't wanna make Karl, Bad, and Skeppy wait, their already there waiting for us!"

"Why didn't you say so?" Dream grabbed his keys off the bathroom counter, tossed them to Sapnap who caught it with one hand, and instantly began their way down the stairs.


The club had blinding flashing purple and pink lights that made Dream squint, clutching onto Sapnaps sleeve as the five of them began pushing their way through through people in order to find somewhere to collect.

"Sapnap—" Karl whispered into Sapnaps ear; the two held hands.

Dream knew there was something going on between the two of them, yet they would never admit it. They would just continue sneaking behind everyone, flirting mercilessly, before denying everything.

"—Yes?" Sapnap squeezed his hand.

"I think there's some couches over there— wanna go there?"

"Sure." Sapnap nodded toward the couches to indicate to Bad and Skeppy where they all were going to go sit.

As soon as the five made it to the couch, everyone's eyes began trailing to the three dancers they could see.

None of them were appealing to Dream.

He wasn't sure if it was the skimpy bikinis they wore, or if the girls hair weren't curled enough, but he just shrugged them off as Skeppy leaned closer and even Sapnap took a few double glances at the dancers— only if he could pull his eyes away from Karl, of course.


All he wanted to do was sit at the bar and drink his stress away. It was his birthday, what the hell was he doing here? He knew Sapnap telling him he could "find somebody" was just Sapnap being delusional for Dream.

He wouldn't find somebody, let alone at a strip club.

Dream sighed and rested on the couch, leaning on one of the arm rests with his head resting on the palm of his hands.

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