break, bite, bang

989 15 11

TW: anal sex, swearing, fingering, fingering in public, praising

top dream
bottom george

erm no editing ;-;

"No. No, no, no. Absolutely not," George pushed Dreams hand away, narrowing his eyes with unamusement. "You've had some dumb ideas but this one definitely takes the cake!"

Dream scoffed. "Here. Take it. Just try it!"


Did Dream seriously think George was going to comply with him and eat a sex chocolate?


Dream was no more than an absolute idiot.

"I bet it's gonna work, and I bet you'll like it." Dream began to peel back the foil wrapping on the foul candy, but George snatched it out of his hand and narrowed his eyes at the chocolate.

Gold wrapping, with black letters that read—

"Break, bite, bang? What the fuck?"

"You break the chocolate and share it, eat it, than—"

George scoffed. "Point proven." He handed it back to Dream, who started to peel it back once again; it was once again taken away from George.


"Nope. Don't even open it— I don't want the fumes leaking into my system and make me accidentally do something I'll live to regret!"

"Like what?"

George rolled his eyes and sat the candy onto the counter. "Quit it, okay?"

"Come on! Try it— try it!" Dream cooed. "Why? Scared it's gonna work and you'll like it?"

George blushed, opened his mouth, shut it, and buried his face into the palm of his hands. "Oh, just— shut up!"

Dream grabbed both of George's wrists with his free hand. He pulled them away from his face, smirking and tilting his head. "Lemme see your face, pretty boy."

George stumbled back. "N-No— stop—!" He giggled and turned his face away, rolling his eyes and smiling slightly. "—You're. . . you're dumb,"

Dream grinned.

Dream had been flirting with George for the year they've been living with one another. George wasn't sure why— he was pretty sure Dream just liked to torture him with his stupid smirk, his smoldering eyes, and body that was absolutely mouth-watering to even just look at.

He couldn't help but imagine what Dream looked like beneath those damned sweatpants and tight, compressed t-shirt; he shuttered at the thought.

"And annoying."

Dream chuckled, and squeezed George's wrist. "You sure this chocolate doesn't sound good?"

"Mhm. M'Sure."

Look, George wanted nothing more than to rip off Dreams pants, but he didn't want to have sex with Dream just because Dream ate some dumb chocolate.

"Mmm," Dream leaned in closer to George to the point a warm breath tickled George's chest. "You're stubborn." Their lips brushed.

"You're— you're. . . ugh! Annoying!" George turned his head away.

Dream snickered and dropped George's wrist; George took a few steps back, mumbling annoyances beneath his breath. "Someone's a little red."

"You're the worst!"

"You love me."

George scoffed; his face fell even more red, and he grabbed the sides of his sweatpants. "Just— just stop flirting with me, weirdo. We're friends."

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