
868 12 1

TW: anal sex, swearing, praising, angst, MILD homophobia, confused sexuality, car sex

no editing😇

George hated Dream.

Not hated, despised. Loathed. Wanted nothing more to push him down the stairs as he joked with his friends.

He scoffed as he heard Dream chuckle, hitting the full floor so he was no longer on the stairs; his friends were right behind him.

"Guys, I'm here to go to the library with you. Not babysit you." George pushed into the middle of the group, his arms crossed with an unamused look on his face.

Dream rolled his eyes.

The group of four was sent to collect multiple boxes of textbooks do the class could begin their Russian Revolution unit, yet it was clear that George was only needed to make sure the three didn't get into too much trouble.

Yet, it seemed wherever this trio went, trouble followed.

"C'mon, it's not that deep," Sapnap sat a hand on George's shoulder; George narrowed his eyes: "Dream, Karl— after school, are we still sneaking into that abandoned building?

"That's a horrible idea!" George protested. No matter how annoying they were, a sliver of him was concerned for their well-being.

"That's why it's fun." Karl shrugged.

He was the most. . . controlled out of the three, yet even then he sometimes got too excited.

A hand was sat on his waist. "Guys, I think pretty boy here is right— maybe an abandoned building isn't a wonderful idea." Dream. Of course Dream had something to say.

There was silence, before Dream, Karl, and Sapnap bursted out laughing.

George sighed and peeled the hand from cupping the curve, raising an unamused brow up at Dream.

"Will you guys ever take me seriously?" George mumbled.

"Uhm. . ." Dream flickered his eyes around, grazing them across George's head. "Probably not,"

The other two chuckled, and George stifled a sigh.

"Oh c'mon, don't pout." Dream tilted his head. He bent forward so he could look at George's face which was faced toward the tile below.

George looked away.

"George?" Karl tapped him on the shoulder; silence. "Uhh. . . hello? Has he gone mute?"

"He's ignoring you," Sapnap shrugged, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets. "Idiots."

"Oh." Dream and Karl mumbled in sync, continuing to knock their hips into George's sides to try and get some sort of reaction.

Nothing; George smirked as Dream huffed in defeat.

Karl and Dream and Sapnap were annoying, and most things didn't get to them— but one thing did.

Being ignored.

Rarely did they get ignored. Every girl in the school was on their knees at their feet, they never did their own homework, and even the teachers allowed a few one hundred percents to slip into the grade book, basically everyone was begging for some form of attention from them. If they even knew you existed— you were clear from everybody. Nobody would be mean to you, nobody would push you in the halls no matter how slow you were walking— you were a first class citizen, with Dream, Sapnap, and Karl as the monarchy.

But not George.

It's not like he didn't stand up for himself, he always did, but most of the time he received being laughed at, before whoever it was lurked away.

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