seven minutes in heaven

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TW: swearing, praising, fingering, drinking, seven minutes in heaven, anal sex, oral sex

top dream
bottom george


George tried to pretend like anxiety didn't claw at his insides.

He knew no matter how many times he denied it, the whole friend group already thought it, and he was not excited to go to this stupid hang-out, get teased, than leave.

Why was he getting teased?

Because everybody thought he had this super duper, huge, ginormous, mega, fat crush on Dream.

And he only had a super duper, huge, ginormous, mega crush on Dream.

Besides, they never had enough drinks to get drunk enough to not care, so George would just sit there and take the abuse from mostly Karl and Sapnap.

"Why are you pouting?" Karl asked. He drove the car, George in the passenger seat, their destination being Dreams house.

"Because Karl, you guys are just gonna tease me and I don't wanna deal with it."

"Tease you about what? Dream?"

George groaned and sunk deeper into the seat, tugging at the seatbelt that scraped his chin when he went to low. "Yes!"

"Well, it's kinda hard not too."

"But nobody teases you about your crush on Sapnap!"

"First of all, Sapnap and I are just friends—"

"Who hook-up."

"Doesn't matter. We're just friends. And besides, at least I know somethings going on between Sapnap and I and I don't deny it, you try to pretend like you don't turn tomato red whenever Dream even breathes."

George scoffed. "I do not."

"Turn on your phone,"

George reached into his pocket, busted out his phone and clicked the power button; his lock screen was a photo of him and Dream at the pier, an ice cream in each one of their hands, but Dream had smeared some of his ice cream on George's nose so George was laughing mid photo.

He loved that photo— it was his lock screen on every single electronic he owned.

"And now go to camera,"

George held the camera button in the bottom right corner, and suddenly, his face appeared on the screen. His ears burned a scarlet color, along with his cheeks and even forehead.


"Oh, shut up," George grumbled and returned his phone to his pocket. "It's just. . . hot in here."

Karl turned into Dreams neighborhood, letting out a pathetic belly laugh as George tried to fling out reasons for the sudden blush on his face. "Please— how stupid d'you think I am?"

"Well it's just—"

"Everyone thinks it," Karl shrugged. "Have you ever noticed in the group chat when we all make plans, it's always you and Dream paired together? Like last week, when Ant asked us to go mini-golfing— Ant was on a team with Velvet, Bad and Sam went together, Sapnap and I— but before any of us even mentioned who we wanted to be on a team with, you spammed us saying you wanted Dream."

"He's good at mini-golf!"

"Yeah, he was, but that was our first time going together— you had no idea if he was good or not!"

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