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TW: angel/demon, overstimulation, rough sex, first time, blood, biting, panic attackish 

top dream
bottom george




The wind around George caused him to spin in circles, trying to figure out where he was, how he got there, and who was creating that faint rumbling sound he heard.

He was lost.

He thought finally leaving his cottage would do him justice, and just a small walk would be good, but he went to far and found himself stuck in a giant field that seemed to be endless.

He knew he was somewhere in the realm called Aethroia, the realm he lived in, but he had to be countless miles away from his village of angels where his home was— and something was nearby.

Something. . . something not good. Something evil. Something that was not an angel.

George glanced over his shoulder; a blur of red and black swished past him, leaving his hair to drape over his wide eyes.

He tried to follow the blur that swarmed him, but no matter how many spins he did, he couldn't keep his eyes focused on the figure. It growled and snarled, it lashed out at him occasionally, and he had no idea how to defeat it.

Clearly, it wasn't here on a friendly notice.

"P-Please just— go away!" George's voice cracked and he curled his hands into fists.

He wasn't a very strong angel— nothing near the higher emperors and empresses, just a low level peasant angel.

With little to no power. Just wings, which were useful in times, like now— but he clearly was in distance of a entity to strong, and they used their powers to stop George from using his. So, even if he got his wings out, they wouldn't work, just lay there aimlessly.

"I'm not any sorts of harm to you!" George stuck his hands out when the red and black blur lashed out at him once again; it chuckled and turned away. "Believe me— I was just g-going on a little stroll, nothing bad, oh nothing bad at all!" George's voice cracked.

"A stroll?" The blur taunted him, cackling and teasing him as he whimpered a nodded.

"I didn't know— know this was the parts of Aethroia you roamed, I'll leave, I'll return to my cottage and n-never speak of this again!" George gasped, and whined when he felt cold hands squeeze his arms.

"Leave? Return? Leave? Return?" The worlds mixed together, screaming with laughter at the same time; George wiped away his tears, but only more pathetic salty drops fell right after.

His legs quivered, and his hands clutched his own forearms, giving himself a tight squeeze.

"These are my parts. My kinds. You should know that," The voice shrieked; George let out a cry. "And you will pay." The blur sped up, now swarming George in red and black ash and smoke, leaving George searching for a non-existent exit.

"Please—!" George fell to his knees and out bursted his wings. They flew out when he got too overwhelmed— but like stated, this entity was twisting its magic to block George's.

He sobbed and wrapped his body with his wings, burying his face into the palm of his sweaty hands.

The voice kept cackling, and screaming, and taunting George, speeding up even faster and causing George's hair to fly around.

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