nobody knows (for now)

814 9 1

TW: arguments, anal sex, swearing, praising, nipple teasing, pinning, caught-after-sex

top dream
bottom george

editing = none

George moaned as he felt Dream finish deep inside of him, his legs shaking before he pathetically collapsed onto the bed beneath him.

Dream grumbled and pulled out.

"Fuck—" George was flipped onto his back by Dream; his lips met Dreams, and he loved the warm taste of the boy.

The sweetness, but also the hint of mischievousness.

"—Mkay. Can you grab me tissues or a towel or something?" George sat up.

Dream had begun getting dressed, and when he finally pulled on his boxers he nodded and reached down onto the floor and tossed George a random towel. "This good?" Dream flicked open the lock so the door wasn't locked— least suspicious that way.

"Sir, yes sir." George grinned and cleaned himself up.

He whimpered as he felt Dreams cum slide out of him, but ultimately wiped it up and tossed the towel into his own hamper after climbing lazily out of bed.

He could feel Dreams presence behind him, yet as he pulled on his trunks and Dreams shirt, he never turnt around.

Finally, hands grabbed his waist.

George turned around, giggling, and cupping Dreams face. A quick kiss, before their eyes met, and Dream couldn't hold back and kissed George's bruised lips once again.

As soon as Dream pulled away, George felt his spirits drain.

They stared at each other.

George could feel the scratches on Dreams back as he moved his hands to hang lazily over Dreams shoulder. "Sorry for all of these."

"You know I absolutely adore your love marks."

"You mean me scratching the shit out of your back and making you bleed?"

Dream rolled his eyes and pressed a quick kiss onto George's nose, who wrinkled said nose and pretended to gag.

They fell silent; George sighed. "We have to stop."


"We. . . we can't. Sapnap will be so upset if he figures out we're hooking-up."

Dreams lips parted. "But he doesn't know. And he never will."

"But what if he figures it out?"

"We have a strictly no visible-hickey rule, how would he know?"

George looked away and shrugged. "I don't know, he just might figure it out."

"But babe," Dream cupped George's ass. "He doesn't know. Nobody knows."

George sighed and rested his forehead on Dreams chest. "For now. It's too risky. I'm not ready to loose Sapnaps friendship because we're horny."

"How do we know Sapnap will be mad?"

George scoffed, dropping his arms and wrapping them around Dreams waist; he stood on Dreams feet so Dream could press kisses to the top of George's head easily. "Don't you remember?"

They all laughed over drinks. The atmosphere was so peaceful, joking about their fans and their ideas about the three of them.

It was strange.

Strange how Dream and George as a couple, as a hypothetical couple, got introduced even though they weren't dating.

Sapnap tsked his tongue. "You two sure you're not dating?" They weren't. They weren't dating. At that point, they had only made out a few times, and hadn't even seen each other naked.

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