
884 10 3

TW: anal sex, swearing, praising, mention of previous sex

top dream
bottom george


also mild editing

The plane ride home never felt any longer.

Maybe it was because he was dreading being picked up by Dream, or maybe it was because he was sandwiched between Sapnap and an old guy. Maybe George just liked North Carolina?

Yes, that must be it— he just was going to miss Karl, right?

He knew he was just telling himself that so he didn't freak out in the plane.

It's not that he necessarily regretted calling Dream, but he was totally wasted and had no real control over what he was doing and his filter. Of course all he said was true, why wouldn't it be? But, he had phone sex with Dream! And Dream wanted to have real sex when George returned.

Fuck— he was nervous.

His hands were drenched in sweat, and when he sat them on his thighs a darker gray imprint was left on his normally light gray sweatpants. Oh Jesus Christ—

"George, you good?"

His head snapped to his left where Sapnap sat; he had pulled out an AirPod to ask George the question, his eyes oddly concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine just. . ." George paused and pinched his lips into a thin line. "Just hungry."

Sapnap wrinkled his nose. "Uhh— you sure?"

"I-I think so."

"What do you mean you think so?"

George wanted to tell Sapnap.

Though the two appeared to "loathe one another", Sapnap in reality was George's first person to go to when he needed help. Whenever he had an issue— Sapnap knew. If he needed advice, Sapnap would be asked.

Besides, Sapnap also smacked sense into him both verbally and physically, which kept George on his best behavior and leading to George not saying anything stupid accidentally.

"I—" George groaned and buried his face into his palms.

The airplane suddenly felt more cramped than it actually was.

". . .George? Are you okay?" Sapnap sat a hand on George's shoulder.

No. You can't tell him George— not that Sapnap would be mad about George and Dream, he would just be. . . be too shocked to help. And besides, he was kind of a blabber mouth to Karl.

"Does this plane have Wi-Fi?"


"Does this plane have Wi-Fi, Sapnap?"


George nodded, and tapped the older man on the shoulder. He was maybe. . . maybe fifty, so not too old, but gray hair spurted out of his brown locks.

"Bathroom?" He asked.

"Yes sir." George smiled kindly and nodded; the man grunted and climbed out of the seat, allowing George to squeeze through and head down the aisle toward the back where the bathroom was located.

No line, luckily.

However, there was someone in there once he arrived— so he waited rather impatiently.

Pacing, biting his nails, he even knocked at the door a few tines, which he was shushed up by another man.

A minute later, the door flung open. "Jesus— was it that urgent?"

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