
743 11 3

TW: anal sex, oral sex, swearing, praising, being caught

top dream
bottom george

"Okay Georgie," Dream sat down at his desk. "Ready to record?"

George peered up from his phone on Dream's bed.


Dream sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. "The manhunt, remember? Sapnap, Sam, Bad, and Ant are already online." He crossed his arms.

"Oh!" George hopped up from the bed, his socks almost making him fall backwards. "Yeah, I'm going." He gave one last look at Dream before heading across the hall where his bedroom was.

Hopping onto his computer, he joined Dreams server and then the call. "Are we ready?" Dream asked.

"Yup!" Ant said. "Finally George joined."

"Yeah, he was too busy sucking Dreams dick." Sapnap scoffed; he was stuck in Texas visiting family, but decided he could hop on once and join them for the manhunt.


"Oh shut up, Sapnap." George scoffed and rolled his eyes; he did blush a tad.

Dream gulped. "Nope, he refuses too cus he's lame." He was just joking— George hadn't even given Dream a hug since they met up, let alone suck him off.

"You never offered!" George rolled his eyes.

"But you would if I did?"

"N-No! Shut up, you're dumb." George punched Dream in the game; Dream chuckled and punched him back.

Sam groaned. "Shut up both of you. Can we please start now?"

"I agree." Bad swallowed the last bite of the salad he was eating.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Dream stood still, and allowed the four to surround him. "Okay. . ." He clicked a key on his keyboard. "Recording now."

"Dream, I'm not gonna lie, I think we're going to win this time." Sapnap said.

Dream scoffed and nodded. "As if."

"I think Sapnaps right." George cooed into his microphone, and Dream could hear him giggle down the hall.

Dream cooed right back. "Oh yeah?"

"Mhm." George raised a brow, tilting his head and staring Dream down in the game.

"Yeah." Dream punched George, and instantly began sprinting away from the four.

George followed right after Dream, however, he was in last since he had gotten hit away. "Dream, you're dead!" Bad cackled.

"Mhm!" Ant agreed, boosting Bad up with his fist. Bad got a few hits on Dream before Dream managed to slip into a nearby oak forest and hide from the four.

George wrinkled his brows. "What? Where did you go?"

Dream chuckled and shrugged. "I don't know, George, where did I go?"

"Ugh." George grumbled, and the voice chat fell silent, just for a second before Sam burped and Sapnap began laughing, Ant trying to snicker quietly, and Bad scoffing.

George perked up as he saw a flash of green deep in the woods on his screen.

"Dream. . ." George purred.

Dream chuckled. "Where are you, Georgie?" George hopped up onto a tree, and began running around on top of them in search for Dream— after all the neon green of Dreams' skin stood out from the forest green leaves.

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