puzzle piece

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TW: swearing, anal sex, sexual questioning, virgin sex


He stared at the white door in front of him, the silver handle deviously taunting him.

It was maybe. . . maybe around two a.m— George wasn't sure as he left his phone all the way back in his own bedroom.

George's jaw clenched.

He wasn't sure if this was a good idea— but something in the pit of his stomach told him to.

So, he peeled open the bedroom door, revealing a shockingly awake Dream sat up in his bed, scrolling through Tiktok; his head snapped over, him mumbling at the sight of George. "Oh, hey."

"I— hi." George huffed in defeat.

"What's up?"

George shifted, tugging at his sweatpants waistband before adjusting them and returning his attention to Dream. "I-I wish I knew. I just wanted to come in here,"

Dream narrowed his eyes, powering off his phone and tilting his head.

"Can I come in here?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. C'mon," Dream patted the empty space on his bed, and George very carefully took a quiet seat. "Just wanted too talk?"

"Yeah. I feel like we don't talk enough, we never have the time too since we're both always traveling. I just moved here— I want to talk to the reason I moved here." George had only been in Florida for two in a half weeks— and spent two of those days actually in this house.

Dream chuckled and sat besides him. The two sat in silence, Dream slightly swaying whilst George stayed perfectly still. As still as when you were a child watching television with your mother, and it was way past your bedtime and you feared if you moved they would send you up to your dark and scary bedroom where the monster Gubby lived.

Or, maybe Gubby the Monster was just George's imagination; none the less, it got the point across.

"Are you cold?" Dream glanced down at George who broke his stillness by peering back up at him.

"Nah. Are you?"

"No. I'm always really hot, but I guess we do live in Florida, so it's obviously not gonna be cold."

George snickered at those words, nodding. "Yeah, I guess. Back in England— my heater broke for like a week and have you seen the Grinch? Remember at the beginning of the movie and those two guys and those two girls go to the Grinch's lair and the guys get scared and fall down the huge snowy hill and come back to Whoville with like icicles dripping from their eyebrows?" Dream buried his brows at George's words, chuckling as he noticed George explaining with his hands. "That's how cold I felt."

"Poor you."

George rolled his eyes, laying backwards onto Dreams bed yet Dream still stayed sat up. "Mhm, and one time I was staying at my. . . my friend Sandra's house when I was like. . . sixteen, and then her heater broke. Oh my God, it was total chaos. We both quivered beneath a blanket and held onto each other so we didn't freeze to death."

"George? Cuddling with a girl? That's a first."

"What?" George sat up. "I— shocked because I was cuddling or shocked because it was a girl?"

"Both? I thought girls ran at the sight of you."

George giggled and nudged Dream with his shoulders. "You're annoying."

"Just teasin'," Dream grinned, snickered as he shoved George softly back. "Speaking of girls, you've never talked about any of your exes,"

George glanced away, stabbing at his knees and shrugging. He mumbled a quick reply, and hoped Dream would move on from it.

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