
757 11 1

TW: arguments, anal sex, oral sex, swearing, praising

top dream
bottom george


The Dreamteam household wasn't ever boring.

Whether it was all three of them, or just Dream and Sapnap, or just Sapnap and George— it didn't matter, the house was always bursting with laughter and excitement.

That's what George loved about it so much— it felt like home too him. Not because of the house, but because of the people.

After all, spending seven years away from your best friends just. . . it just hurt. It felt as though he was so close to Sapnao and Dream that he should just be able to walk next door to them, but he never could, especially since his next door neighbor in England was some bitchy widowed lady.

And now, he was traveling across the United States. Going to California for the content, North Carolina for Banter, and basically everywhere is Florida just because he wanted too.

Sometimes, he missed just staying home in Florida, but someone was always out. It was never a full house, George supposed.

But once again, he could easily get along with Sapnap and Dream— so as long as they weren't in a "mood", it'd be fun!

"Okay Dream—" Today it was just Dream and George, Sapnap had left to Texas for one of his sisters graduation. "—Wait! Stay there!"

George flickered his eyes up too the bucket of water on the backyards door frame. Though some of the water would spill inside, most of it would spill on Dream, or the outside porch.

When Dream opened the backyard door, the bucket of water would fall directly onto Dream and cause him to get absolutely soaked! It would be hilarious, and George was already giggling at the thought.

"Can I come outside now?" Dream was playing a game on his phone, it looked like Subway Surfers or Temple Run or some shit.

"No-No!" George shook his hands and head.

He had to fix his laugh. He was laughing too hard, Dream would obviously grow suspicious of him laughing outside.

Think of something bad like. . . like rollercoasters or pure black coffee! Ew, disgusting.

The smirk fell off George's face, and he urged Dream outside with a quick nod of his head. "Took you long enough." As soon as the water fell atop Dreams head, the metal bucket also came crashing down with it.

There was a crack, and a thud, and when George opened his eyes from laughing so hard Dream was scratching his head with a frown, his phone shattered, and dripping in water, on the floor.

"Help—" George cackled. He actually had to sit down on the pavement; his stomach hurt from laughing. "—That was so—" He took a quick breath of air.

Dream groaned and ran a finger over the forming lump on his head from the bucket, and then reaching down and picking up his totally broken and fried phone. "What the fuck, George?"

"Please- oh my God!" George put a hand on the wall. His balance was shaking from laughing so hard; Dream frowned. "Oh don't be mad! It was funny!"

"No it wasn't— you broke my phone, and I had important shit on there!"

"Just buy a new one and upload anything you need— I guarantee you can afford it."

Dream scoffed, and shook his head, splattering water droplets all over the place. "Not everything had finished updating, George!"

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