bitter forgiveness

698 12 0

TW: mild arguing, anal sex, swearing, praising, forgiveness, character redemption

top dream
bottom george

part two of jealous boy!!

George didn't sleep very well that night.

All he could do was twist and turn, hoping that he would hit a body but not to his shock— nothing.

Nothing but the reminiscence of Dream, nothing but his scent. You could say George was upset at Dream. 'I'll still be mad but I won't be as mad!' so yeah, George let Dream fuck him, but just to be left alone?

He had never been alone after sex, he hated being alone. He felt like. . . like some sort of whore who gets fucked, then leaves, and sleeps alone every single night.

And George wasn't a whore, he had a boyfriend who he loved, but he could admit— Dream had every right to be mad. George knew he fucked up, he knew he shouldn't of flirted with Wyatt as intensely as he did, but he just. . . just was so obsessed with the attention.

It's not like Dream didn't give him attention— matter of fact, Dream gave a vast majority of his attention and time to George, but a new face never hurt.

But, just to be fucked and then left? Like a fucking body bag?

Maybe they were equal.

No— deep down George knew there was nothing George could do to repay Dream for staying with him, for housing and feeding him, all for free. And George knew he was a stupid fucking moron for getting as close, if not being there, to cheating on Dream, but Wyatt had such a. . . a good ways with words. Words that made Dream sound bad, that George was the kind, sweet one in the relationship and Dream was toxic.

George knows better now.

Before George knew it, his alarm went off at 8 A.M, and he debated turning it off, but decided he wanted to see Dream.

So, he grabbed one of Dreams shirts and slipped it on before heading downstairs where a sleeping Dream was sprawled on the couch.

That should be George on the couch— not Dream.

"Goodmorning." George sat down by Dream's legs, running a frail hand up and down his calf.

"Hm." Dream didn't even open his eyes.

"Did you sleep okay? You should've come back up— I missed you." George scooted Dream over, and laid down, scowling as no large hands found their way around George's waist.

No reply.

"Do you want breakfast? I can make you pancakes or—"

"Be quiet, George."

George's eyes narrowed, and he climbed off of Dream. "Why are you being such a dick right now Dream? I just let you fuck me senesless like. . . nine hours ago and you're still bitter!"

Dream scoffed. "I. Didn't. Cheat. I have every damn right to be mad."

"Yeah you do, but don't tell me you won't be as mad, then go sleep on the couch! Giving me fucking false hope."

"And I was less mad. I just didn't want to sleep next to someone who cheated on me!" Dream stood up.

"But you wanted to fuck them!"

"Yeah, I did! And now Wyatt knows you and me are fine with our relationship, or at least thinks it!" Dream bared his teeth; George rolled his eyes. "Cus no matter what you did to me— you still look like you, fuckable as ever!"

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