for now

754 12 3

TW: anal sex, mild rough sex, swearing, praising, argument

top dream
bottom george

George grasp on his phone tightened.

The tiktok— it wasn't funny, not one bit.

Who the hell did Dream think he was? They were all best friends- not just Sapnap and Dream. Stupid, it was so stupid that he was upset about this but he still found himself storming to Dreams bedroom and opening the door with a furious gaze.

"What the hell is this?" George showed Dream, who lounged lazily on his bed, with a deep frown.

"A tiktok?" Dream stood up off his bed and crossed his arms.

"It's not fucking funny."

"And you slapping me was?"

"That's different. I barely hit you, and it was for the content."

Dream scoffed, and rolled his eyes lazily. "Pft- please."


"For the content?" Dreams scowl deepened at George; George gulped and shifted his stance. "Is that all I am? Content."


"Then tell me why you really hit me."

George opened his phone, and rewatched the tiktok. It almost felt as if his heart froze when that stupid video of Sapnap popped up.

"The content."

"You're fucking lying, George. You seriously slapped me for the content?"


"No. No, no, no. I don't believe it. No way you fucked slapped me for content? For a tiktok?"

George gulped, opened his mouth and shut it.

He couldn't help but stare at Dreams hands, which now were curled into fists and bled an ivory white. Veins popped slightly out of them; George's stance shifted.

"Dream. . ." George's lips parted. "I-I— are you seriously mad?"

"Yes. Why can you be mad about some stupid video and I can't about you slapping me?"

George didn't reply to that.

A point was made, but it was a bitter one George didn't want to admit up too.

"So, tell me why you actually slapped me, or get the fuck out of my room."

"No— you're video wasn't fucking funny! It was an asshole move, Dream! Me slapping you wasn't excluding anyone— you're video-"

Dream scoffed. "Please. Me excluding you? I'd rather be excluded than fucking slapped— that hurt, George that fucking hurt. How the hell are you so oblivious too the fact you hurt people, George? In the UK, in the U.S— everywhere. You hurt."

"I hurt?"

"You hurt me— not just by slapping me, but sometimes it feels like I'm being. . . being mentally tortured by you! One second you beg me too hang out with you, the next you want me gone. Make up your fucking mind, 'cause it's exhausting!"

"I-I didn't know—"

"Of course you didn't know. You never fucking know, George."

"Dream, c'mon I-I'm sorry I shouldn't of gotten mad—"

"Answer my question, George. Why'd you hit me?"

George turned on his heel; he couldn't look Dream in the eye any longer, for the real reason the slap took pursuit was too embarrassing.

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