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TW: jealousy, mild arguing, anal sex, swearing, praising edging, denial of release

no editing ;-;

George stared at the chat on his phone.

He couldn't real all the words— it would be impossible to, to many people chatted and George's eyes simply weren't fast enough.

He managed to read a few, none important or worth a second thought.

Besides one.

It was the only chat— or the only one George recognized— about a group of boys who seemed to be. . . well not following them but. . . lurking. Lurking around Sapnap, Dream, and George.

George peered back; there was the group of boys.

Not boys, men.

Not big, scary men— they were just the same as every other average man. Some were tall, some were short, some had brown hair, others had black— one even had dyed purple hair.

Exciting, George thought.

He would never dye his hair— he knew it would end up with his hair either gone or dead, so why risk it for a few months of color that he would just get bored of in a matter of seconds?

Except, one of the boys caught his eye.

He was short, with pale, fair skin and big blue eyes that anyone could fall in love with. His smile was big— his cheeks rosy, and even his outfit was cute. A pretty beige sweater, jean shorts that really did cup his ass in all the right ways, and his wavy blonde hair fell perfectly down the middle and onto each side.

George's jaw shifted.

Something about that boy upset his stomach.

They met eyes. The boy smiled softly, looking away embarrassed as he whispered something to his friend. Maybe they were a fan. Well, if they were a big enough fan they could pull on their big boy pants and ask Dream, George, and Sapnap for a photo.

George winced at his own petty thoughts.

"George?" Fingers tapped his shoulder.


"Hm?" George mumbled, shoving his phone back into the pocket.

The three were out on the pier streaming in real life— Dream held the camera and was chatting about something he and his mother did last week.

"Are you okay? You keep lookin' back," Sapnap peered in the general direction George had been glancing at; his eyes stopped on the group of boys. "Are you lookin' at them?"

"I— yeah. Just been. . . keeping an eye on them. They've been following us."

"Well there's only two ways to go on this pier, maybe they're trying to get to the ferris wheel, hm?" Sapnap crossed his arms. "Look George, I say this with the kindest part of my heart, which isn't big but I'm being honest— you need to get your head out of your ass."

George physically recoiled. "What?"

"You think everyone on this damn pier is following us! Not everyone's our fan George, some people don't even know who the hell we are," Sapnap sat a reassuring hand onto George's shoulder, George glancing down at the hand with an unamused expression. "And I know you're just paranoid, being so far from family and what, but you can chill out."

George took a deep breath.

"Okay, you're right." George dropped his head in defeat.

He trailed his eyes at Dream.

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