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TW: anal sex, swearing, praying, degrading, bondage, ball gags, blindfolds, ass-eating, begging, spanking, oral sex, overstimulation, edging, teasing, rough sex (yikes that's a lot👨‍👨‍👦)

top dream
bottom george


no editing it's two am🦈

Dream wanted to stop.

He wanted to put the phone down, to pretend like he never read them, but he couldn't.

The blue messages, the gray replies, Dream found himself adjusting his sweatpants.

Poor George.

Poor, poor George.

Why poor George?

Because he was frustrated.

No, not frustrated at Dream or at Sapnap, but at himself. At his stupid needs that couldn't be met.

And here George was, ranting to his old friends-with-benefits, about how badly he wanted him, to be pleasured by him, and here Dream was reading the boys complaints.

Where was George?

In the shower, leaving his phone unlocked, basically begging Dream to read the messages between George and Parker.

george: I miss you.

parker: George, don't do this to me.

george: I miss you, I do.

parker: You don't miss me.

george: How do you know?

parker: You're with Dream. You're happy now.

george: I am. But I still miss you.

parker: You don't miss me, you miss us. What we did.

george: So what if I did?

parker: George, come on.

george: I need you so badly. I've met with people, none of them are like you.

parker: And what about Dream, George? Have you asked him? I'm sure he'd do something about it.

george: No, I haven't asked Dream, and I don't plan on it.

parker:You should.

george: Please, Parker. Can we meet up? I'm flying back in a week to see my family for two whole weeks, I wanna see you at least once a day. It'll make up for all the time we've lost by me being over here.

parker: I'm not sure if that's a good idea, George.

george: No one does it like you.

parker: That's because you have a select taste, George. And most people aren't good at that stuff.

george: I don't ask for much.

parker: Yeah?

george: Please. At least once.

parker: I can't.

george: I'm begging you.

parker: I don't know.

george: Please, I just need to be tied up, I need my hair pulled and I need to be hit and I want to beg and I want to be called names and only you can do it. Everybody else treats me like I'm fragile, I'm not fragile.

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