
662 14 4

TW: anal sex, swearing, praising, degrading, rough sex, standing sex

top dream
bottom george

mild editing

His hands clutched the straps of his backpack, which was strung over his shoulders.

The ringing of the doorbell rang in George's ears. Normally, he would be rather nervous meeting someone new but this was a fourteen year old girl— why would he be nervous about that?

She just needed help with her Algebra work— after all her parents were an "all A's, one B" not "All A's, one F" family.

When there was no reply to the doorbell, he scowled and knocked instead. His knuckles stung against the oak wood; he ignored the pain as he knocked again.

The door flung open. "Fuck— what?" Not a fourteen year old girl.

George's eyes widened as he looked up at the boy in front of him. He was. . . cute. Looked like a total dick, but cute. "O-Oh this must be the wrong house I'm looking for Drista, I'm her tutor I—"

"Oh, your my sisters tutor?" The boy looked him up and down. After studying George, his eyes shifted and he shrugged, pulling open the door farther for him to enter. "Okay." The boy wore nothing but basketball shorts, and George didn't mean to stare but it was difficult not to.

"I didnt know she had a brother."

The boy shrugged. "Yeah. I'm the better sibling."

The boy was familiar to George, he just couldn't quiet remember his name.

George giggled beneath his breath. He stood in front of him, peering up at him as he shut the door. "You go to the same highschool as her, right?"

"Yeah. I'm a junior, though."

George gulped. "Oh."


"I-I'm just a senior there and—"

"Hm," The boy crossed his arms. "You're kinda short for a senior."

George wrinkled his nose.

Definitely an asshole— still cute.

". . . Okay?" George narrowed his eyes, and the boy chuckled.

"What's your name?"


His eyes flickered, and his mind seemed to be churning before he nodded. "I'm Dream."

Dream stuck a hand out for George to shake, and though George hesitated, he accepted the handshake. A firm handshake. It lasted a bit to long as well. . . strange.

"I— uhm. . ." George blushed and snapped his head down to his feet. "Where's Drista?"

"I'on know."

"Okay—" George looked back up. "—You should get a shirt on. It's rude to be so nude in front of company."

Dream scoffed. "I don't care. Why do you?"

"I— I just erm. . ."

"Woah, are you getting distracted at me being shirtless?"

"What? No!" George stumbled back a few steps; Dream followed after him.

A hand was sat on George's shoulder. "I'm just kidding, chill."

"I-I knew that."

Dream smirked, and when he took his hand off of George's shoulders, he dragged it down his chest, before he leaned over George, who had bent back and leaned on the island counters. "For a nerd, you're pretty cute."

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