my favorite hook-up

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TW: anal sex, swearing, degrading, one-night stands, degrading

top dream
bottom george

Dream sighed and sipped at his drink. He hated clubs— he only went to it because he knew some of the men here where whores and desperate to be fucked and he was horny.

The bar chair creaked. Okay Dream, you have to actually move around and talk to guys to sleep with them, dumbass. He smiled one last time at the bartender before slipping her a tip and leaving into the crowd.

Maybe one day he'd be ready for a real relationship, maybe one day he wouldn't sleep around, but for now he was okay with hook-ups and one night stands. He didn't even have one like. . . main hook-up person. It was a one and done.

Dream bumped into someone. "Shit- sorry." Dream said. The girl he ran into blinked at him, before her smile grew and she stayed pressing up against Dream.

"Hi, I'm Raiya." She said, running a slim finger with a long pink nail down Dream's chest.

Dream narrowed his eyes. "Uh— hello."


"I'm not interested." Dream shuffled away from her, scratching his neck and avoiding any eye contact with Raiya.

"Oh- sorry."

"No worries." Dream smiled at her before moving down the crowd, finding options in the crowd. Not him— he was already talking to five guys, that boys going to be black out drunk in less than five minutes, he's just straight up ugly, and he's. . .

Dream stopped in his tracks.

He's perfect.

Quite literally Dream's definition of perfect. Short, or to Dream at least, a skinny frame, tight, revealing clothes, and a good ass. Dream gulped, his hands felt clammy as they brushed up against multiple strangers he didn't know, or frankly cared about.

Was he talking to anyone? He had to be, everyone here probably wanted to sleep with him, or maybe he already had a boyfriend. Dream shrugged— when had that ever stopped him?

Dream waltzed up to the boy, who was dancing slowly to the music that played in the background. "Hey—"

The boy paused and turned to face Dream. His jaw shifted, looking Dream up and down before clearing his throat and nodding. "Hello!" The boy said. Though chatting with Dream, his hips still swayed to the music.

"Can I get you a drink?" Dream pointed with his thumb back at the bar; the boy's eyes traveled to Dream's thumb and then to the bar.

He bit his bottom lip and nodded. "Mmm, sure!" He wrapped his arm around Dreams, and allowed him to be dragged along.

Dream did his best to keep his eyes off the boy's body- he wasn't a total asshole. The boy wore tight, black shorts and a white cropped top t-shirt, having on Air Forces as his shoes with dark red lipstick and some other makeup products Dream didn't even know existed.

"What do you want?" Dream purred. The boy raised a brow, giggling and read the drinks menu above the counter.

"I'll take. . . a strawberry tequila on the rocks please." The boy smirked at Dream. Dream nodded, ordering himself just a plain tequila with ice.

Whilst waiting for the drinks, Dream turned and faced the boy, who was already watching Dream with his legs crossed. "I'm Dream." Dream stuck his hand out.

The boy took it. Except, it was in a. . . devious type of way. The way where he ran his hand up Dream's arm before squeezing his hand and chewing his bottom lip. "George." Dreams stomach churned.

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