2 Call you again

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Kate POV

I typed away on my keyboard and couldn't help but smile as I read the first positive comments on my new video. It had been a lot of work, but in the end, as always, it was worth it. There was little these days that made me happy other than my work. Not since... the incident.

The sun was already setting when I went to shut down the computer. But then the phone rang. Another unknown number. However, it seemed slightly familiar from earlier today.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello Katherine. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, but it's the man from earlier who thought you were the insurance company." I heard the deep voice say.

Something about the voice was so soothing. And I had to say that I found it even more attractive than the first time.

"Oh hey... What can I do for you? Sorry I don't even know your name." I asked, trying to sound relaxed even though I had a weird feeling about the whole thing.

"I just wanted to apologize again for the mistake and thank you. The police found the guy pretty quickly thanks to your tip. So... thanks and my name is Roman, by the way." the man replied.

"Well, I'm always happy to help, Roman. People like him can't escape their karma." I said as I started to play with my ring.

"I certainly hope so. You saved me from a lot of trouble and hassle, Katherine. My head was so messed up I probably would have thought of it too late." Roman replied.

"Please call me Kate. And it's really no big deal." I said with a little laugh.

"It is a big deal. I think I owe you one. Sorry that probably sounds weird coming from a stranger." he then said and I could tell he felt a little awkward saying something like that himself.

"Maybe a little. But who knows... maybe we'll meet one day and then you can invite me to dinner," I replied, even though I didn't have the slightest idea why I was doing so.

After all, he was a total stranger who had just dialed my number by accident.

"You know Kate... Maybe that really will happen one day. After all, I do a lot of traveling around the country." he chuckled.

As he said this, a part of me tightened painfully. I sighed deeply to banish the negative thoughts. It was history. No need to dwell on it any longer.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asked suddenly.

He had obviously heard my sigh. I shook my head briefly to get back to the present.

"No, no. Don't worry. I just had to think about my work... that's all." I lied.

"I'll pretend to believe that. All right... I shouldn't keep you any longer. Good night, Kate." he replied.

"Good night, Roman. It was nice to hear a friendly voice and to be able to help you," I said.

"Listen... I know this comes as a surprise and I have no idea why I'm saying this now... but would it be bad if I called you again?" he wanted to know, suddenly sounding very shy.

"Well, to be honest..." I began, fully intending to say that it wasn't a good idea, but somehow I couldn't.

"To be honest... I'd really like that," I said instead.

"Really?" Roman asked in surprise.

He obviously hadn't expected my answer any more than I had.

"Really. But do me a favor... Don't Google me. That wouldn't be fair..." I replied.

"Why exactly? Don't answer that. I promise not to Google you if you promise me the same." he replied.

"Well... I only know your first name, Roman... That makes it difficult, but I gave her my full name." I laughed.

"Um... true, but I promise anyway. I guess you'll be hearing from me soon." he joined in my laughter.

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