33 Off to the...

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Roman POV

I stood at the door to the kitchen and watched Kate arranging fresh flowers in a vase. She kept turning her head to one or the other side to look at her work. But she didn't seem entirely satisfied. She took some of the flowers out again to put them in a different place.

She had so much care and attention to detail and that was what made our, now shared, home such a beautiful place. But actually... that wasn't true. Kate alone was the reason.

I just loved watching her do everything she did. Whether it was shooting or editing videos or looking for an outfit in our closet. Or things like this. A smile formed on my lips as I saw her place a hand on her baby bump. She could probably feel our son moving. It was still such an incredible experience and it was probably a million times more special for Kate.

Her fingertips drew little circles on the side of her belly as she finally seemed satisfied with the flowers.

"Hey baby girl..." I said softly so as not to startle her as I walked over to her.

"Oh hi, babe. What do you think?" she wanted to know.

"They look great. And they smell so good. But not as good as you." I replied and then gave her a kiss.

"Mmmh... Ditto, Mr. Reigns... We should get changed. Naomi will be mad if we're late." she said after a few minutes.

"And what if I told you I didn't care.... Maybe I'd prefer to be alone with you..." I replied as I leaned down and gave her a kiss on the neck.

"Well, you should have thought about that before you accepted Jimmy and Na's invitation." she breathed.

But I knew she was having a hard time concentrating on anything other than my lips against her skin.

"True... But don't think you can get away from me that easily... We still have tonight. I'll make sure we don't get home too late." I replied as I realized that I really had no one to blame but myself.

I then took my wife by the hand and we went into the bedroom together to get ready for the planned barbeque.

On the drive to Jimmy's place, I noticed Kate getting a little fidgety.

"Are you all right? Do you have to go to the bathroom?" I wanted to know.

"No... The baby is punching me all the time. I think he's hungry." she replied as she shifted her position slightly.

"We'll be right there. I don't think Na will mind if you raid her fridge," I said as I took her hand and pressed a kiss to it.

"Oh, she better not! After all, I still have time to think about the maid of honor thing." Kate replied with a laugh.

"Wow, what's with all the cars? How many people did they invite?" I asked as I turned into the street.

"I don't know. Oh look... there are balloons two houses down. It's probably one of the kids' birthdays." Kate replied, pointing in the direction she meant.

"You're probably right. Wait, I'll help you out." I said after I had packed the car next to Jimmmy's.

"Good thinking." my wife giggled.

I helped her out of the car and then we went to the door together. Kate rang the bell. It took less than 3 seconds before the door flew open and a beaming Jimmy greeted us.

"Hi Uce and Mrs. Uce. How are you guys?" he asked as he hugged us.

"Well Mama here is hungry. I'm off to the fridge." Kate replied.

"You might want to wait a moment for that." he replied.

"Why?" Kate asked, confused.

But when we turned the corner the next moment, we saw why. The whole living room was full of people and decorations and presents.

"Surprise!" everyone shouted and Na came breezing over to us.

"Welcome to your baby shower, Katie cat!" she shouted.

"Oh my God! Really? Ro, did you know that?" she replied.

"No, I didn't. But even if I had known, I probably wouldn't have told you. What a great surprise. Look, baby, your parents and your sister are here!" I said and then spotted the three of them among the guests.

"Goodness gracious! How did you do that?" Kate asked Naomi as tears were already streaming down her face.

"Oh I can't reveal my sources and secrets." she said, winking at us.

Kate's family joined us and hugged us warmly. Seeing her sister in particular made my wife very emotional. Because of her job, Jamie hardly had time for visits. I knew how hard her move to Texas was for Kate.

Then my part of the family joined in. When I saw my sisters' faces, I immediately knew how much they loved the opportunity to welcome a new baby into the family. And the mountain of wrapped presents seemed to reinforce this impression.

We probably didn't have to buy much ourselves. The amount that was here would probably be enough for triplets.

I pressed a loving kiss to Kate's hair and at that moment I could hardly wait to finally meet our boy. Even if it would still take over two months.

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