43 Light breeze and fairy lights

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Roman POV

When I arrived at the altar, I let my eyes wander over the undoubtedly beautiful scenery. The light breeze carried the scent of the flowers over to me. I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in the scent. I looked up. The sun bathed everything in golden light as it slowly set.

The fairy lights sparkled in the floral arrangements and in the trees that surrounded us. It really had been just as Kate had wanted. And although I had little part in it and no idea about these things, I couldn't deny how breathtaking this evening was already.

Now all that was missing was my bride. It couldn't be long before she and her father would come down the grand staircase that led to this garden. The guests were talking quietly. But that wasn't what caught my attention. It was our son's voice. Destin was babbling in mom's arms as he kept reaching for me. Apparently his nap had been well timed and so he was alert and in a good mood. Even if he didn't like the fact that mom wouldn't let him go.

"What's wrong, peanut? Do you want Daddy to hold you? Come here, Destin. You can get a good look at Mommy, too," I said as I took a few steps towards the two of them.

He immediately reached out to me, giving me his best smile. I gave my little man in his suit a kiss on the forehead and stood back in my spot just as the music changed.

In that second, my heart started beating so much faster. That was it. And there she was. My Kate. My wife, swaying down the stairs like an angel in her beautiful dress.

This dress. It had a lace top that even shimmered in the low light. It was a neckholder and I was sure her back was bare. The flowing fabric of the bottom fluttered in the breeze as they slowly walked towards me. Her hair was down and styled in big waves. She looked like a Hollywood star.

Destin squealed with delight when he saw his mommy. He waved his little hand at her, which obviously made the guests melt.

But then the time had come. Kate and her dad stood in front of us. Charlie put Katie's hand in my free hand before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Then she looked at us, a happy smile on her lips as she briefly stroked Destin's cheek.

And with that, the ceremony began. We listened attentively to the officiant. And Destin seemed to be paying close attention too.

I stroked small circles on the back of her hand with my thumb as we looked deep into each other's eyes.

"And now. Roman and Katherine have asked for the opportunity to recite their own vows. Katherine, would you like to begin?" he finally said.

"Roman, first of all, I love you... before I met you, I was convinced I didn't want love anymore. In a way, I was severely damaged, crushed. I had forgotten how to be happy. You alone turned my life upside down and showed me that not only could I still love, but that I deserved it.

When my phone rang, on an ordinary day like so many others before it, I didn't know what was waiting for me at the other end of the line. A new beginning and you, my darling, the love of my life.

I found it difficult... to admit it at first. But now I thank fate every day that I can love you. You gave me love, you gave me a son. This wonderful little being here, who looks so much like his daddy. And you did it all with such ease. In the end, I couldn't help but fall head over heels in love with you.

You are my always and my forever. The happiness I feel inside me whenever you look at me cannot be surpassed by anything else and I will do everything in my power for the rest of my life to make you feel this happiness too. I promise to be there for you, Roman, forever and to always give you exactly what you need. I promise to always create a world where you will be safe, calm and loved," she said, her eyes glistening with tears.

I had to take a deep breath before it was my turn to speak. Destin laid his head on my shoulder and sighed. Slowly, our little man was getting tired.

"Katie, look at you! My beautiful angel who literally came into my life by accident. When the guy hit my car and gave me the wrong information, I had no idea what a huge impact it would have on my life.

I still remember exactly what it was like to hear your voice for the first time. You were so kind and caring to a stranger who called the wrong number. From that moment on, I couldn't get your voice out of my head. The rest, as they say, is history.

I fell for you before I had even met you in person. That's how much you captivated me. I love you and Destin more than anything in this world. You are what I have always dreamed of and so much more. Your energy, your drive in everything you do, your creativity.... I love all that and so much more about you and at the same time it motivates me to be the best husband for you and the best father for this little man and any children to come," I said with a beaming smile on my face.

"And now that we've all witnessed those wonderful words, I ask you, Katherine.... Will you take Roman as your husband a second time?" he asked.

"Oh a million times yes!" she replied proudly.

"Roman, will you take Katherine as your wife a second time?" he asked me.

"Yes, I choose her forever," I said.

"Well in that case, you may kiss your bride. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Reigns." He replied.

I pulled Kate close and gave her a long kiss. I could feel the smile she still had on her lips even through the kiss. And then I felt Destin's small hand on my cheek. We pulled back and I saw that he also had a hand on his mommy's cheek.

Kate gave him a kiss before snuggling in close as our family and friends cheered.


It was such a lovely evening. And everyone seemed to get along so smoothly. Everyone talked and laughed, ate and drank. The atmosphere couldn't have been better.

And so it was already time for our first dance. I was never much of a dancer, but when it came to my wife, I would dance to the end of the world. Just as I had once promised to carry her to the end of the world.

Our song played and we swayed back and forth to the gentle sounds. Everything around us quickly disappeared.

"Is everything the way you wanted it, Mrs. Reigns?" I asked.

"No, not really..." she replied.

I immediately looked at her, alarmed. Had we forgotten something? Had something gone wrong?

"It's so much better." she then said with a laugh, probably because of the look on my face.

"Baby girl, don't scare me like that," I replied.

"Sorry. It was a bit of revenge for the torture over the honeymoon." she said, winking at me.

"I guess I should tell you where we're going then, right?" I wanted to know.

"That would be nice." she nodded in agreement.

"The Reigns family is flying to Italy. We're spending three days in Rome and then seven days in a vacation home on the coast of Sicily. I thought since we're taking Destin with us, we can add a few extra days." I replied.

"Oh my God! That's just... Incredible!" my wife gushed.

"I thought you'd like it. Sun, beach and lots of pizza, pasta and wine," I said with a laugh as the guests started to dance.

"You really are too good for this world," whispered Kate.

"Ditto, Katie." I replied and lifted her face with a finger under her chin.

I gave her a long, loving kiss.

We spent the rest of the evening close to each other. Always in touch. The way we were going through life.

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