20 Surprises

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Kate POV

It was such a hectic day and I was trying to get everything done that needed to be done. Once again, a lot of work had piled up. And now, so close to Christmas, I didn't know where my head was at.

I exhaled loudly as I made the final edits to my video. Or I should say the third. And editing three videos in a row was a lot of work. Good thing this last one was particularly funny and lifted my spirits at least a little.

The last time I accompanied Roman, Naomi had insisted on filming a video together for my channel. She really wanted to do my make-up. It was so funny that I found it difficult to edit anything at all. But I didn't want the video to be two hours long.

After I was done, I watched the finished video again. Hopefully everything was now as it should be. Because I was running out of time. Fortunately, all was fine and I was able to upload it. Now I just had to export a few clips for Instagram and Tiktok, then I was done. Oh, and I had to remember to send a video to Naomi too. She had insisted on sharing everything on her accounts too.

I wondered how it would be received by my subscribers. Hopefully well, because the numbers were looking anything but good at the moment. The last few videos hadn't gotten the views I normally had and the algorithm was showing no mercy.

While the video was uploading, I wanted to make my way to the post office. I absolutely had to empty my PO box. They had already called and asked when I would finally pick up all the PR packages. I felt guilty, but I simply didn't have time. That's why it was important that I did it within the next two hours, because my parents were already on their way here.

I hurried down the stairs but had to go back up because I had forgotten my phone. That was not acceptable because I wanted to take the opportunity to call Roman on the way. I hadn't heard his voice all day and I wanted to change that.

Back downstairs, I put on my jacket and grabbed my handbag when the doorbell suddenly rang. Oh God no... wait. It couldn't be my parents yet. Their flight hadn't landed just already. And so, slightly confused and breathless, I opened the door.

"Oh my God, Roman! Hi! What are you doing here?" I cheered excitedly, because standing in front of me was none other than my boyfriend with a cute Santa hat on his head.

"Hi, baby girl! I wanted to surprise you. And the look on your face shows me that I succeeded," he chuckled as I jumped into his arms.

"You bet you did. I've missed you so much." I replied quietly as tears of joy welled up in my eyes.

"And I've missed you... Probably even more." he said in my ear as he carried me back into the house.

"Yeah like that's possible." I replied before giving him a stormy kiss.

"I love you, Katie." he said softly afterwards.

"I love you too..." I replied slowly.

It was still hard for me to say those words, but it was getting a little bit easier each time. Besides, he deserved to hear it. After all, it wasn't his fault that I was scared. And I definitely didn't want to punish him the same way I did myself.

As I was now really late, I pulled Roman out of the house behind me and to the car. We talked the whole time and of course I asked him if it would really be okay for him to meet my parents. That was another not so little step.

"Of course I am. It's one of the reasons I'm here. Even though I'm aware that they'll probably be very skeptical. You know..." he replied.

"Yeah well... I don't think you can blame them." I said as I parked in front of the post office.

"Not in the slightest. But I promise you that I will win them over with my charm and my aura. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you like me, sweetheart." he replied, lifting my hand and pressing a kiss to it.

"Good for you that you're okay, Mr. Reigns." I laughed.

"You better be careful or I'll take my Christmas present for you back home..." he threatened jokingly.

"You won't do that anyway... Because you want to see my face when you give it to me. Just like I want to see yours. And I really made an effort to find something nice for you," I said.

"Oh, now you've made me curious." he replied with that special little smirk.

I knew immediately where his mind was wandering. That's why I laughed as we loaded the boxes into the car. There really were a lot of them, no wonder they were already wondering when I was going to pick them up.

"It's nothing naughty, if that's what you thought," I explained.

"Aww man." he whined.


"Okay... that's them. Ready?" I asked as my parents' rental car came to a halt in front of the house.

I saw them eyeing the other unfamiliar car suspiciously. Now I could only hope that they behaved well. I was particularly worried about my mother. She still hadn't forgiven herself for 'allowing' Don to hurt us all like that. In her opinion, it was her job as a mother to see through such things and since she hadn't, she felt guilty.

"I am... Stop fidgeting, Katie. Everything will be fine." Roman replied as he stroked my back reassuringly.

When the doorbell rang, I tried to take a deep breath. Surprisingly, I managed better than I had expected. As always, Roman had a calming influence on me.

"Oh Katie! Oh hi my baby! How are you?" Mom gushed as she pulled me into her arms.

But then her eyes fell on the big man behind me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't even see you. You must be Roman. Kate has told us a lot about you. I'm Jean and this is my husband Charlie," she said as she broke away from me.

I could tell she was impressed by him. I hadn't expected that.

"It's nice to meet you, Ma'am and Sir. I hope it's okay that I'm here too. I wanted to surprise Kate." Ro replied as they shook hands.

"Well, I think we've all had enough surprises in our lives. So I'll ask you directly what your intentions are for my daughter, young man." said my dad.

"Okay time out! Maybe we could postpone the interrogation until after dinner. Dad, you're being incredibly rude," I interjected.

"I apologize, Kate. And sorry, Roman. I guess you can still understand why I'm being more than overprotective of Katherine." Dad replied.

"I can, Sir, and let me assure you that I feel the same way. Because I love your daughter. I won't let her endure this kind of suffering ever again," Roman said, putting an arm around me.

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