4 It's just a photo

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The sun was already setting when I went out onto the porch with a mug of hot tea. I carefully placed the mug on the small table next to the swing and set down my iPad as well before taking a moment to breathe in the pleasantly cool air.

It had been raining for the last few hours, so the air smelled fresher than it rarely had in the last few weeks. It also cooled down a little. With my hands on the railing, I sighed deeply as my gaze wandered over the trees that bordered my property. I loved this place, even if it had been associated with a lot of bad memories lately.

Eventually, I sat down on the porch swing and sipped my tea. I listened to the birds and insects before I set about going through my seemingly endless emails. There were a few requests from potential sponsors that I had to look into a little before I replied. So I typed up a note for myself.

I was so engrossed that I didn't even realize how much time had passed. It was only when my phone rang that I was snapped out of my thoughts. I pulled it out of my pocket and smiled.

"Hello stranger... How are you? I thought you didn't have time today?" I said.

"Hi, sweetheart. Well, what can I say? I took the time just for you. Tell me... We've been talking for a few weeks now. What do you say we meet up next Wednesday? I'm in your area and thought it would be the perfect opportunity. Please tell me you have time for me," Roman replied.

"Oh um... That's quite unexpected. Are you sure this is a good idea?" I wanted to know.

"I'm absolutely sure, Kate. I'm so sure that I can hardly take it. And it doesn't help to be constantly nagged by my family about who you are." he laughed.

"Well, I'd have to check my schedule first. Give me a second." I replied and got up to go into the house.

"Ouch! Fucking hell!" I cursed as I stubbed my toe on the stairs.

"Are you all right?" he asked, sounding worried.

"Yeah, sure... You should just know that I tend to be clumsy." I said on the way up.

"Always or only when something makes you nervous? Like the prospect of meeting me..." he replied and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Well actually... Fine, you got me.... Okay... let's see... Wednesday... I have a meeting at noon, but I'm actually free in the evening. Are you sure a blind date is a good idea? Or was the temptation too strong and you googled me?" I asked.

"I didn't, I promise. And it's only a blind date if we don't exchange a photo first... I'm itching to send you a photo and get one from you. But I wanted to ask you first what you think," Roman then said.

"To be honest, I feel the same way... All right. Go ahead. Send me a picture, Mr. Reigns." I replied nervously.

"Uh-Uh. If we're doing this then we're doing it at the same time, Miss Westmore." he said.

"That's not fair... I bet you've already thought very carefully about which photo you're going to send me, Roman. And now you want me to choose one in a flash?" I replied with a laugh.

But it was a very nervous laugh. Because I was anything but sure how this would turn out. It could change everything. The only question was whether that was good or bad.

"Fair point... Okay... I'll make one now and send it to you and you do the same." he suggested.

"Okay..." I said hesitantly, but at the same time I couldn't help the curiosity that was now rising in me.

"Take a deep breath, Kate. It's just a photo." Roman then said.

And he was right about that. Just do it. What was the worst that could happen? Well... Yes... I could fall flat on my face again. But what was the alternative? I was actually more worried about finding out if I was ready or not.

I took a photo of myself and prayed that it looked okay. I closed my eyes briefly before sending it off. Not a second later, I also received a photo. I inwardly counted to three before opening it. And oh my!

"Oh wow... Oh my goodness! There's no way that's you. That's just not possible. No one looks that good." I blurted out.

"Do you think I would lie to you?" he wanted to know, sounding a little hurt.

"I mean... no, of course not, but.... Wow!" I babbled.

"Wow indeed! Look at you, Katie. I knew that voice could only go with a gorgeous face." he replied.

"Thank you... really. It's nice to hear. But..." I began.

"But what? Still disbelieving?" he asked.

"I just have certain trust issues, that's all. It has nothing to do with you." I replied.

But instead of answering, he simply hung up. Well... That was to be expected. And I was genuinely rather disappointed.

But it didn't last long, because my phone rang less than 5 seconds later. It was Roman again. But this time it was a video call. My eyes widened and my throat tightened with nervousness. But then I just answered.

"Do you believe me now?" he asked with a deep, very satisfied chuckle.

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