32 Crushed and created

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Kate POV

"Hello everyone! Welcome to today's video. I thought I'd take you with me as I declutter my makeup and skincare products. As you can see this is more than overdue.

And since I will be moving soon.... well I just can't take everything with me. Besides, I still have a lot of unopened products that I'm going to donate. I only have one face and can't possibly try everything. Oh yes, and then there's this little someone. There are things I'm not allowed to use during pregnancy.

Let's get started then. It will probably take a while. So grab a beverage and a snack. Here we go." I said to the camera after I had finally finished setting everything up.

I stroked my growing tummy as I got to work. It was absolute chaos spread across the floor of my office and it took me a while to make a dent in the amount of products. But eventually I had managed it.

Just in time when I heard my husband's voice downstairs.

"Hi baby girl, I'm back. Where are you?" Roman called through the house.

I carefully got up from the floor so that I could go to him. However, it didn't happen quite as smoothly as I would have liked.

"I'm in the office," I replied quickly.

"Wow, you're done already?" he asked as he stepped into the room.

"Yes, for a couple of minutes. Your timing is impeccable as always, babe." I replied and reached up so I could give him a kiss.

As always, when he had the chance, Ro put his big hand on my stomach. I could feel the smile on his lips. He was so proud every time.

"I got the boxes and crates you wanted. Which one is the pile for the donations?" he asked as he slid his hands over my sides now.

"Um... Everything in the baskets under the window. It's a bit more than I expected. I hope we can get it all into the car." I laughed.

"It'll be fine. Why don't you make yourself a snack? I'll pack everything." he replied and gave me a kiss on the nose.

"Oh I've been eating the whole time." I laughed and gestured with my head to my desk where a big jar of peanut butter was sitting.

"Ah I see... The obsession is still going strong. Good thing I've already stocked up at home. Maybe you should eat a few apple slices with it though. You know... for balance." Ro replied with a deep chuckle.

"That's what I did... Apples and celery and banana... And most importantly... Pretzels. Here, try this." I said as I broke away from him and reached for one.

I dipped the pretzel in the peanut butter and popped it in his mouth before he could say anything. From the look on his face, he wasn't as impressed as I was.

"Well... it takes some getting used to. But I'm glad you like it." he eventually replied.

"Oh, I love it. And this natural peanut butter is so much better than the other stuff. You were right." I said.

"And it's much healthier for you and the baby. Protein and healthy oils with no added sugar or salt. Even if it's not good to eat half a jar of it a day." he explained.

"I know, I know. And I'm really trying to cut it down. Maybe you should talk to your son about it. We might want to change the bet to whether he looks like a peanut." I replied a little guiltily.

I knew he only wanted the best for his family, but my cravings weren't his best allies in this mission at the moment.

"I've already tried. He won't listen to me. Right, little man? You're not on my side. Mama's boy." he said, then leaned over to talk to the baby.

"We'll see about that. But now let's get to work... We still have a lot to do." I laughed.

"Have you marked everything that's going to Florida with tape or do you need more time?" Roman wanted to know as we started packing up the donations.

"I think I have everything. A lot of stuff is going to stay here for the guests. I just need to sort out my clothes. And then lots of emails," I replied.

"It sounds like you're overdoing it, baby," Ro said worriedly.

"I'll take care of myself, I promise. It's just that I've finally got my energy back. And it's not the most strenuous. I'll leave the heavy lifting to you." I promised.


Roman POV

As we watched the movers load everything Kate owned into their truck, I held my wife and our unborn son in my arms.

I knew how hard it was for her to leave this home. No matter how right it felt for her. That's why I would do anything to make sure she loved her new home as much as this one.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"It's hard to say. I feel a lot right now. I'm relieved to be done. But I'm also sad, of course. And then I'm looking forward to our new chapter. You know... when we first met I was still so crushed. I was haunted by so many bad memories. But you... you alone helped me to create myself anew. You freed me from what I thought had destroyed me. I am stronger because of you. For that alone, I'm so incredibly grateful to you, Roman." she replied as she turned to me and took my face in her hands.

"I love you, Katie. And you are such an extraordinary person who made it easy for me to love you. Now look at us... You how far you... we've come," I said.

"I love you too. You have no idea how much." she then whispered.

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