34 Enjoying the sun

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Roman POV

While I was standing on the elliptical machine, I looked out of the window into the back yard. And the sight that presented itself to me made me smile. My wife was stretched out on one of the sun loungers by the pool. She was wearing a red bikini while letting the sun shine on her round baby bump. Sunglasses on her nose and a bowl of watermelon wedges in her hand. Katie was obviously living her best life.

Even though we could hardly wait for our little champion to arrive, we still enjoyed the last few days we had as a couple. If he would even wait that long. It could actually start at any time now.

I had to admit that it was quite distracting to look at her like that. Sometimes I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have found her. And how much not only my life but also Kate's had changed. All because of a lying, reckless driver and a wrong number.

Laughing, I shook my head... it's funny how life works. All I needed to fall head over heels in love again was to hear her voice.

I reached for my water bottle and took a sip before wiping the sweat from my face with the towel. My gaze was still directed out of the window.

I slowly left the gym and walked over to her. Kate must have heard me because she turned her head to the side and smiled at me. She reached for her sunglasses and pushed them down her nose a little so she could look at me. Judging by her smirk, she liked what she saw.

"Hi, baby girl. Enjoying the sun?" I asked as I leaned down and gave her a kiss.

"Oh yes, but not as much as the sight of you... Look at you... all sweaty and shimmering..." she replied and reached out for me.

Kate ran her fingertip over my naked torso as if following the trail of every single bead of sweat.

"Well, I was just about to take a shower. Care to join me?" I asked.

"I'd love to, but I think the shower can wait until after, if you know what I mean." she replied, biting her lip.

"Oh I know exactly what you mean and I'm way ahead of you." I said as I bent down to slide my arms under her.

I lifted my wife into my arms and carried her into the house without another word. We went into the bedroom that we wouldn't leave for the rest of the day. Or she wouldn't. I would get everything we needed.


Kate POV

I was slumbering peacefully when suddenly the ringing of the phone woke me from the best sleep I'd had in months. Grunting, I tried to turn on my other side, but it took several attempts before I succeeded.

"What's going on? Who's that?" Roman asked sleepily from the other side of the bed.

"Hang on..." I replied just as sleepily as I reached for my cell phone.

"It's the caretaker. Maybe you should answer it, babe..." I said when I saw Mr. Sullivan's name on the screen.

He was the caretaker of my house in Georgia and if he was calling this late at night.... That couldn't mean anything good. My heart immediately started beating faster as I held the phone out to my husband.

Roman sat up and answered the call.

"Hello?" he said and then listened carefully.

He immediately noticed how tense I was and reached for my hand to hold it. It almost seemed like an eternity. And what he said didn't make much sense without knowing what it was about.

"Thanks... yes... we'll call you in the morning after we've spoken to the police. Good night." he said.

Police? What was going on here?

"Roman? Come on... What is it? Why do we have to talk to the police?" I asked immediately.

"Calm down first, baby. Your crazy ex tried to break into the house. He didn't know you didn't live there anymore and scared the guests half to death. Thank God they had the alarm system on and called the police and Mr. Sullivan right away. They arrested Don once again. Mr. Sullivan said the officers said that since he'd broken into the property and now even the house again, he wouldn't be able to get out of it so easily this time." Roman replied.

"Oh my god! This son of a bitch! My goodness... I... I don't even want to imagine what he was up to." I said as I realized how dangerous the situation could have become for us if I hadn't moved in with Roman.

"Don't think about it. All that matters is that he's probably being punished properly. Nobody's been hurt. Focus on that, baby girl." Roman replied as he pulled me into his arms, knowing exactly how upset I was.

I tried to take a deep breath as I rested my head on my husband's shoulder. But then I suddenly felt a strong pain.

"Ouch... oh boy... was that.... I think that was a contraction." I gasped as I pressed my hand against my bump.

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