45 Lots of love

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Kate POV

"You're so fast, little Reigns... No wonder you don't want to walk yet." Naomi said as she crawled after Destin.

Much to the delight of our guests who had all gathered here today to celebrate our little man's first birthday. And Naomi clearly had the most fun of all. But Destin also enjoyed all the attention. He squealed with delight when Na finally caught him and covered his face with kisses while she tickled him.

"It can't be long now. But who cares... He's got the rest of his life to run around. Right, buddy?" Ro replied as he grabbed his son and held him upside down.

Destin laughed and giggled like crazy before grabbing Roman's beard.

"Ouch...ouch." Ro said and tried to escape Destin's strong grip.

However, he didn't succeed until I stepped in and released every single little finger.

"Cheeky little man. I think it's time for your presents. What do you say, peanut? Do you want to unwrap everything?" I asked as I pulled my son close to me.

I sighed deeply for a moment. How quickly this year had passed. My baby was officially no longer a baby. From now on, we had a toddler on our hands who already had a lot of mischief running through his head.

I sat down on the floor with Destin. All the guests surrounded us so they could get a good look at the birthday boy.

"Okay, champ...what do we start with? Ah, this big one here is one from Mommy and Daddy." Roman said as he ran his eyes over the mountain of presents.

He picked up one of the larger ones and placed it in front of us. He knew from the wrapping paper that it was one of many that we had chosen. Destin immediately started clapping excitedly.

"Come on, go ahead and unpack it," I encouraged him and then gave him a kiss on the head.

At first he tore at the ribbon very carefully, but his impatience quickly got the better of him and he tore the wrapping paper off in big pieces.

"Aww look at that! Destin's first tricycle. You'll soon be able to chase after Daddy on that, peanut," I said.

Then I looked up. My eyes met my husband's and his expression mirrored mine. We had experienced many memorable moments together since we had found each other. Each one more beautiful than the last. And yet there were always new stories and moments.


"That was a long, exciting day for our little one, huh?" Ro asked softly as he hugged me from behind.

I had my hands on the railing of the crib and was looking down at the sleeping Destin. He was out like a light. He had barely been in the crib before he was fast asleep. And it looked like he was still smiling.

"Oh yeah... I'm sure he won't be waking up anytime soon. I'm glad you could be home for this." I replied in a whisper.

"I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world, baby girl. Come on, I'll make you a cup of tea." he replied gently and then gave me a kiss on the hair.

He then released his embrace and took my hand. We left the nursery together. Fortunately, the mess was relatively minimal. Most of it had already been tidied up. That gave us the opportunity to unwind.

Roman went into the kitchen to make me a cup of tea while I went outside. My gaze wandered through the garden and I breathed in the surprisingly refreshing cool air. Then I walked slowly to our swing.

Slowly, I swung back and forth until my husband finally joined me. Roman handed me the cup before sitting down next to me.

"Thank you, babe," I said.

"You're welcome... What's on your mind, baby?" he wanted to know, obviously sensing that my mind was elsewhere.

I sighed as I thought for a moment.

"It's just that sometimes I can't believe that this is really my life, you know? How something as simple as a phone call can change everything. I was done with love and then you happened. And now... I love you and Destin with everything I have," I finally replied.

"And we love you. More than you may realize... Tell me... while we're sitting here on the swing. Do you remember the conversation we had the day I gave it to you?" Roman asked, taking the cup from my hand and placing it on the small table next to it.

"Hmm... what exactly do you mean?" I wanted to know, because I couldn't think of what he meant straight away.

"That there's still time for the other things and that I should ask you in a year's time," he replied as he turned so that he could look at me.

"Oh, I remember now. And well, does that mean that someone is in the mood to work on a sibling for Destin?" I asked with a smirk.

"I just thought it would be nice if our children weren't so far apart in age. And it doesn't mean it's going to work on the first try," he explained.

"Well, to be honest, I've already thought about it," I replied and reached for his hand.

I squeezed it lightly as I looked into his eyes. The bright, wide smile I loved so much appeared on Roman's face.

"Then what are we waiting for?" he asked simply, standing up and pulling me with him.

Before I knew it, he had already whisked me into his arms. Slightly out of breath, I laughed at his enthusiasm. But before I could say anything, he pressed his lips passionately against mine. I smiled through the kiss and put my hand on his cheek.

Roman walked us back into the house and all the way to the bedroom where we spent the rest of the night working on our family plans.

A family that not too long ago I thought I wouldn't have. Roman alone had taken all the broken pieces of me and put them back together. With a glue of understanding, trust and lots of love.

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