25 Hell to pay

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Roman POV

I quietly played with my phone while holding a sleeping Kate on my lap. Her head rested on my shoulder and her hand clung to my shirt. I looked down at her before giving her a little kiss on the head.

The worry that had always accompanied me over the last few weeks was even worse than usual today. Especially because she had hurt herself again earlier in the day. Of course she wanted to hide it from me, but Jimmy immediately told me what had happened.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door before Naomi cautiously stuck her head in.

"Hey.... How is she?" she asked gently as she squatted down on the floor in front of us.

"It's just a bump. The doctor says it's probably not a concussion." I replied just as quietly so as not to disturb Kate.

"Thank God... We should wake her up. It's time for hair and makeup. Oh and just so you know.... Becky's in an oddly good mood today. That certainly can't mean anything good." said Na.

"Do you think she's plotted something bad? I don't even want to imagine it. After the last few weeks of Kate interfering in her matches and them bumping into each other backstage, she's been so pissed off every time.

I have a bad feeling about this. But all I can do at this point is trust Kate and hope Becky stays professional. But then... What could she be up to? It's only a week until the match." I replied and stroked Kate's back.

She sighed softly even though she was fast asleep. I hoped she knew I was here.

"All I know is that I'll definitely be waiting at the Gorilla in case anything happens. I'm not going to let Becky pull any shit." Naomi then said.

"Yeah, me too. Even though Kate made me promise not to get involved. But if it comes to that, I have to," I replied.

"I know... God... I really like this girl. You found a good one, Roman. She's become a great friend so quickly." she said softly.

"Trust me, I know... Why do you think I'm so scared of losing her? I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much as Kate." I replied before giving Katie another kiss on the hair.

"I love you too..." she suddenly breathed and then lifted her head to look at me sleepily.

"Hey baby girl... How are you feeling? How's your head?" I asked immediately.

"Headache... But better than before... What time is it?" she wanted to know.

"Almost showtime... Come with me, sweetheart. You need to get ready." Na replied before I had a chance.

"Okay..." Kate said softly.

I stood up with her in my arms and carefully placed her on her feet. Kate yawned profusely before reaching a hand out to me. She placed it on my cheek and smiled at me.

"I'll see you later, Ro. I love you." she said before stretching up to give me a kiss.

"I love you too... I'll wait for you before you go out there and when you come backstage," I replied.


"Now... I can't tell you how annoyed I am with this so-called influencer...Sick and tired doesn't even cut it when it comes to her butting in. She just waltzes in here and acts like she owns the place. But I'm telling you, she has no right to be here. And that's exactly what I'm going to prove to her and to you. Next week in this ring... I'm going to humiliate her. I will beat Kate up so bad that she will never dare set foot in here again.

But before we get to the signing of the contract, I have a tiny little surprise for you. Where are you, Barbie? Move your ass, we don't have all day," Becky said as she paced back and forth in the ring.

"What the hell is she talking about?" I asked.

"I don't know. Don't worry, Ro. I'll be right back." Kate replied as they played her music.

She gave me a quick kiss before making her way to the ring. We watched her on the monitor. The bad feeling I had seemed to multiply at that moment.

"Is someone a little impatient? Don't worry so much... We don't want you to suddenly have movement in your face again...Not that your beauty doctor couldn't fix that with a load of toxin." Kate said and everyone in the arena ate out of her hand.

"Do you think you're funny? You're nothing but pathetic. I know exactly how you ended up here." Becky hissed as she took a step towards Kate.

"Oh? Is that so? And I'm pathetic? Hmm.... strong words from someone who's turned into exactly what she claims to have always loathed. You're nothing but a cheap, less... far less talented version of Charlotte Flair. Becky Cringe... sorry, Lynch... Or as I like to call you, Becky Five Moves." Kate roasted her.

"You little bitch! How do you think your little boyfriend in the back, the one you're here for, is going to feel when I introduce him to your fiancé? Say hi to Don, Kate," Becky replied, waving over to the front row.

I saw Kate's gaze freeze. And anger boiled up inside me when I saw his grinning face. What I also saw, but Becky apparently didn't, was Kate's hand clenching into a fist.

"Come to us, Don," Becky then said.

"Hell no!" I growled and was about to run out to the ring when I was stopped.

It took five people to hold me back. In the meantime, I heard Hunter telling ringside security to stop Don and get him out of the arena.

But right at that moment it happened. Kate punched Becky square in the face with full force. Becky immediately held her nose with both hands, but Kate wasn't done yet. Instead of leaving, she simply kicked Becky's legs away so that she landed flat on her face.

"I hope that hurt, because then you'll know how bad an idea it was to have my lying, two-faced, cheating, already-married ex-fiancé show up here. 

I promise you, you will pay for it. You want to make this personal? Congratulations, you've done it. But don't be surprised if there will be a hell to pay, you bitch!" Kate yelled at her as she leaned over her.

She then threw the microphone at her before just signing the contract for the match. She also threw that at her before stepping on her back to exit the ring.

Now it was official. And what was also official was that Becky had not only gone one step too far, but further than was good for her. The look in Kate's eyes clearly showed that she was willing to pay any price so that Becky would never risk messing with her again.

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