15 Exactly what I want

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Kate POV

"And you really don't want to tell me what that secret bag contains?" Roman asked me again as we put the bags from the grocery store into the trunk together.

We drove there straight from the airport because it made the most sense. That way we could buy everything and didn't have to leave the house again later.

I had made a very quick detour to another department and left Ro in the dark about what I had picked up there. Not that he had to wait long to find out. But apparently his impatience in all things was not particularly high.

"I don't intend to. It's only a few more hours, Ro. I'm sure you can wait that long." I giggled.

"I hate not knowing something." he grumbled as we made our way to his home.

"Oh, but don't forget that the best things come to those who wait. And what I'm about to do to you is certainly one of those things," I replied.

"And I hope you know I'm going to get some payback for the torture, Katie." he said and I heard the smirk in his voice.

"Who knows? Maybe that's what I'm after," I replied.

The drive didn't take long. It was only about 20 minutes until we reached his property. And it wasn't an exaggeration to say that my jaw dropped.

"This... This is your... This is where you live?" I asked, or rather stuttered, wide-eyed.

"Yep... Do you like it?" Roman wanted to know.

"It's... oh my god... Huge. You'll probably have to track me with GPS if I get lost." I replied.

"Come on, baby girl. It's not that big." he laughed.

He parked the car and got out while I was still staring at the house. Roman opened my door. I heard him chuckling softly as he waited for me to get out. I finally managed to tear myself away from the sight.

Together, we brought the groceries into the house first. The luggage could wait a few more minutes. Roman unlocked the door and switched off the alarm system. Then I followed him into the spacious kitchen. My eyes wandered back and forth the whole time. He had great style, I had to give him that. Even if it was very different to mine.

"You have a beautiful home, Roman," I said after he gave me a tour.

I knew he was very proud. Or at least that's what I thought his look meant. But somehow I had the feeling that it had a deeper meaning.

A few hours later, I was cooking dinner while Roman was putting the laundry in the dryer. I was just adding the pasta to the boiling water when long arms wrapped around me from behind. He pressed his lips right under my ear.

"I can hardly wait for dessert." he murmured.

"Good thing it won't be long now," I replied.

But suddenly he turned me around to face him and lifted me up onto the counter. Ro stood between my legs before practically attacking me with his lips.

"You know... I've always been someone who preferred to eat dessert first." he breathed.

"I can imagine, but now I'm almost done. Don't tell me you can't wait half an hour longer." I laughed breathlessly as his lips moved along my neck.

"That's fucking hard, baby," he replied with a groan.

"Well maybe that's exactly what I want," I said softly.


"Okay, Mr. Reigns... You do the dishes and I'll get everything ready for dessert. And just so you know... I'd be terribly disappointed if you were still wearing a shirt." I said before giving him a kiss.

I could feel his eyes on me as I left the room to go to the bedroom to prepare everything. First I went to the bathroom to put on my beautiful new lingerie and touch up my makeup. Not that there was much point but I wanted to look as good as possible.

Then I took out the little bag to set up the candles I had bought. I lit them and placed a small bottle of massage oil on the bedside table. And then music. I had prepared a playlist of sensual smooth jazz.

I had just finished when the door opened with a soft squeak. And he was actually shirtless.

"Well hello stranger..." I said, trying to sound seductive.

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