30 Oh, look!

419 28 11

Roman POV

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when Kate and I sat together on the swing on the porch. She had her arms wrapped around mine while her head rested on my shoulder. She sighed deeply and relaxed.

"So how was your first day as a married woman, Mrs. Reigns?" I asked after giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

"It was one of the best days of my life, but it doesn't come close to last night, Mr. Reigns." She replied and I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Well, it was our wedding night. What kind of husband would I be if I hadn't gone all out on that one?" I asked.

"Oh, I see. You take your husbandly duties very seriously." she laughed.

"You bet I do, baby girl," I said.

But at that precise moment, a delivery truck pulled up. It was the fourth one today. The driver got out and was about to ring the bell when he saw us sitting on the porch.

"Delivery for Westmore." he called out, but now the phone was ringing inside too.

"Can you handle it, babe? I'll get the phone." Kate said before we both got up.

Kate disappeared into the house and I went to the gate. It turned out to be flowers again. I thanked the driver and tipped him. Then I carried the impressive bouquet into the house. Kate had already received many flowers today. All of them were from sponsors and companies she had worked with in the past. So I assumed that this one was also a congratulations on the baby.

"Okay. Thank you for calling. See you next week. Bye." I heard my wife say before she ended the call and came to meet me.

"More flowers, my lady," I said and placed the bouquet on the kitchen counter.

"These are beautiful. Who are they from?" she asked.

"I don't know. Where's the card?" I replied.

Together we looked for the card, but it took us a moment to find it. It had slipped deep into the bouquet of flowers.

"There it is. Here." I finally said.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Kate exclaimed in disbelief.

"What, what is it? Who are they from?" I wanted to know.

"From Becky! Does she really think that's an apology or even an amends? If so, then she was wrong. She went way too far. She ruined such a special moment for us. That can't be made up for with a few flowers. I bet they made her send them," she scolded and then showed me the card.

"Hey, don't get upset. You're right, she's gone too far. But don't get worked up about it. It's not good for you or our baby. And who knows... maybe one day you'll be able to kick her ass after all." I replied as I pulled her close to me.

"Yes... You're right. And speaking of the baby. It was the doctor's office. We have an appointment next week to see our tummy tickler. On Wednesday." she said and grinned at me.

I grinned too. Especially because I had managed to distract her.

"Really? That was quicker than I expected." I replied.

"I know! I didn't expect to get an appointment so quickly either. But I'm not going to complain. Can you really take that long off from work?" she wanted to know.

"Of course! Do you think I want to miss it? That's my baby in there!" I said as I put my hand on her stomach.

"It sure is. And I bet you 100 bucks it's going to look just like you." Kate laughed.

"I'll take that bet. Because I, for one, want our baby to have your beautiful green eyes." I replied.

"Aww, you're so cute, you know that?" she wanted to know.

"Nah, if anything I'm pretty freaking hot." I said and winked at her.

"No kidding... Why do you think we're in this situation?" Kate laughed.


"Okay, Reigns family. I think we've cleared up all the questions for today. Then we'll do the ultrasound. I know that's the most important thing for all parents-to-be. Katherine, lie down and relax," the gynecologist said after we had answered all the questions.

It was probably only 10 minutes, but to my impatience it felt like an eternity.

I reached for my wife's hand and watched as the doctor spread the gel on her stomach before he began to glide the probe over it.

"And this here... this little blob is your baby," he said, pointing to the monitor.

"Oh Ro, look!" Kate whispered with tears in her eyes.

"I can see it, Katie. That's our baby." I replied proudly as I leaned over to give her a kiss.

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