39 No one messes with us

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Kate POV

With a little devilish smirk, I walked through the audience until I finally got my signal. I watched as Becky climbed to the top rope and didn't hesitate for a moment to jump over the barricade. I quickly hopped onto the ring apron, grabbed her leg and pulled.

Laughing, I watched her fall into the ring. Natalya reacted with lightning speed and rolled Becky up. The referee counted to three and that was it. Immediately her angry gaze found me outside the ring. I couldn't help but continue to smirk as I waved cockily at her.

After Natalya was declared the winner of the match, I had a microphone handed to me. I climbed into the ring where I crouched down next to Becky. She was still lying on the mat.

"Hi bitch... Did you miss me?" I asked.

"Oh you'll pay for that!" she hissed so loudly that probably everyone in the arena could hear it without a problem.

"I'm sorry... what was that? You want a match? You can have that. I have a score to settle with you. And I figured since you didn't do much in this match... we could do it tonight... in the main event." I replied.

But before Becky could say anything back, Seth's music suddenly hit and he stormed down to the ring with a mic in his hand.

"Oh no, no, no. I don't think so, missy! You're not going to take advantage of the fact that Becky's had a match already," he said and stepped between us.

"Why not? I thought she was that good? What could this 5 minute match have done? Or... Is your girl suddenly a coward? She wanted a fight. This is her chance." I replied without taking a single step back.

On the contrary, I took another step towards him. I certainly wouldn't be intimidated by his presence.

"If anyone is a coward, it's you. Sneaky... but that fits. That's exactly how you got here. It's only because of your boyfriend." he said slowly.

I knew what he was trying to do. He wanted to hit a nerve and make me angry. But it didn't work. I was prepared for something like this.

"Is that so? Well, actually, I'm only here to give little Becky the chance to fulfill her dream. But... let me rephrase that. Since her dream is to humiliate me, I guess I should say that I'm here to turn her little dream into a nightmare.

You and her both underestimate me. Your biggest weakness is thinking that you are better than everyone else. That goes so far as to make it personal. But here you go... I can wait another week. You and me... Royal Rumble... Last Woman standing, baby." I said, staring first at him, then at her.

I made my way out of the ring until I suddenly stopped and turned back to the two of them. Instinctively, I felt Becky rushing towards me. But I had definitely seen that coming. I quickly grabbed her raised arm and spun her around. And so she flew right into Seth. He on the other hand didn't see that coming and they ended up on the mat together.

The look on their faces was truly priceless. With a deep chuckle, I reached for the microphone just as they both got back on their feet.

"Oh, and Seth? I want you to refer to him as my husband," I said and not even a second later Roman's music started playing.

The audience went crazy. It was so loud it hurt my ears. I would have liked to see my husband come down to the ring, but I didn't want to take my eyes off the other two. Seth stood behind Becky and held her back while they watched in silence as Ro climbed into the ring.

I could feel his presence behind me. And so we all stared at each other. No one wanted to make the first move. But eventually my music was played. That was the sign that it was time to go. Roman put his hand on my back and guided me to the ropes. He held them open for me while still eyeing Becky and Seth.

Then he followed me and I grabbed his hand. So we walked backwards to the backstage area where Naomi was already waiting for us with Destin.

"Damn, baby girl! That was so hot. You were amazing." Ro said in my ear as he pulled me into his arms for a moment.

"Thank you for supporting me. And hello, you little sunshine. Did you see Daddy and Mommy out there? No one messes with our family, peanut. Because we're always there for each other." I replied before taking our perfect little boy in my arms.

Then I put my hand on Ro's neck before reaching up to steal a kiss.

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