13 Nice to see you

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Kate POV

Humming, I packed my suitcase while I filmed the whole thing. I figured that if I was traveling, I might as well shoot a new video with my travel essentials at the same time. This way I killed two birds with one stone.

It had been a long time since I left the house for more than two days. Normally I was a house cat who didn't like being away from her home for long. But this time I had a good reason.

It had been a week since I had taken Roman to the airport and with every hour alone I missed him more. It was crazy how quickly he had turned my whole world upside down.

We were still on the phone several times a day. But that wasn't enough for either of us. I had hoped to be able to spend a few days at his house first. But Roman had to work, so I would accompany him on the road.

I was nervous, I had to admit that. But not because of all the strangers or his family. It was more due to the fact that things with us already seemed much more serious than I had planned. I didn't actually want to get involved in a relationship. But something about Roman made me forget almost all my doubts. It was just this teeny tiny part at the back of my mind that was afraid I was rushing things.

After I was done, I went through my packing list for the 10th time to make sure I had everything. It was probably more than enough stuff, but I was an overpacker. I liked to be prepared for every situation.

I loaded my luggage into the car before locking up the house. Then I dialed Roman's number to tell him I was on my way to the airport.

"Hi Ro... How's it going? I just wanted to tell you that I just left home." I said when I heard his voice.

"Hi baby girl... Everything is going pretty good. We're just on our way to workout. So your timing is perfect. Have you got everything? Did you get the hotel address? ... Stop it, Jimmy!" he replied until I suddenly heard something that sounded suspiciously like kissing noises.

Obviously Ro was right when he said it would only get worse. Apparently the twins didn't miss the chance to tease him at every opportunity.

"Yeah, I've got everything... They don't give you a break, do they?" I wanted to know when I couldn't help but laugh.

"No... Pain in the ass as usual... Maybe you should teach him a lesson too, baby." he chuckled.

"Nah... I can't hurt him. After all, I'm just a little girl." I replied, trying to sound innocent.

Roman laughed at that and then I could hear someone I assumed was Jimmy bugging him to find out what he meant by teaching him a lesson.

"Okay Katie, have a safe flight and get back to me as soon as you can so I know when to pick you up from the hotel. I hope you can make it before the show." he said.

"Oh I think the timing should work out. Tell that pain in the ass your girlfriend told him to leave you alone." I replied.

"Yeah, like that would work." he laughed.


Roman POV

I talked to Katie for a few more minutes until it was time to start the workout. It was also annoying that Jimmy was still like a fly on the wall, listening to my every word.

"Come on, tell me! What lesson can a beauty and lifestyle vlogger teach me? How my nail polish doesn't chip?" he laughed, but kept his distance so he didn't get a swing.

"Be careful, Jimmy... Don't say that to her. Her dad used to be a boxer and he trained Kate too. She also did gymnastics and judo when she was younger. So it could end pretty badly for you to tease her," he replied as I swatted at him with my towel.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"Seriously what?" asked Jey suddenly.

"Yo... Roman's new flame seems to be some kind of girly ninja." he said to his brother.

"You mean kinda like your wife? I bet those two will hit it off and then you're really in trouble. Because Naomi won't let you annoy them anymore." Jey replied, grinning broadly.


As Kate had predicted, her timing was perfect and I was able to pick her up from the hotel before the show. I pulled her tightly into my arms. God, I had missed her.

"It's so nice to see you," I said softly in her ear.

"It's nicer to see you." she replied in a whisper.

"No chance. Let's agree to a draw." I said and pulled back so that I could finally kiss my girlfriend.

I could feel Kate smiling through the kiss as her fingers played with the hair on the back of my neck. Relief flooded through me. Just by her presence, she took a pressure off my soul.

We took her luggage to our room before making our way back to the arena. I didn't have much time before the show started, but we still had some time to spend together.

"So there they are!" Jimmy shouted as soon as we were through security.

"Oh boy..." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Kate, these are my infamous cousins. Jimmy and Jey. You can tell them apart because Jimmy is the pushier of the two. Guys, this is Kate." I introduced them.

"It's really great to meet you. I hope now that we've met that you won't tease Ro so much," Kate said with a smile.

"The pleasure is all ours. But I wouldn't count on us leaving him alone. It's too much fun for that." replied Jey.

"Oh, I think we'll have a lot of fun together. After all, I know you're all a huge part of Roman's life here." Kate then said.

"That's true. Besides, we have to make sure you're really the one for him. It's looking pretty good so far. No one before has been able to turn our Big Dog into a big puppy like you." Jimmy replied with a grin.

"Okay... that's enough for now. I'll see you later. Come with me, Katie. I have a lot to show you." I stepped in before either of them could say anything more embarrassing.

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