3 Google is your friend

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Roman POV

"Earth to Roman... Hello? Wake up, Uce!" I heard someone next to me say.

I was so engrossed in the messages I had just received that I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going.

"Huh? What?" I asked as I reluctantly looked up from my phone.

"What's so interesting that you're not even bothering to watch where you're headed? This has been going on for weeks... Who's the girl?" he wanted to know as he tried to look at the screen.

"Hey, stop that! Have you ever heard of privacy? And who says it's about a woman? You and your nosy ass. Go bug your brother." I grumbled as I quickly put the phone in my pocket.

A few weeks had actually passed since the guy had hit my car. But I couldn't really be mad at him for that, because his lies actually had a positive spin.

"Hello? How long have I known you? I know when and why you're in such a lovey-dovey mood... You have a new girlfriend." he replied.

"No, Jimmy... I don't have a new girlfriend. In fact, I've never even met her. I don't even know what she looks like." I said just as my phone beeped with a new message from Kate.

I knew it was her because I had set her a personal ring tone. Smiling, I checked what she had said in response to my last message.

"What age are you living in, dude? Google is your friend." he laughed and snatched the phone out of my hand.

"Stop that bullshit!" I scolded and tried to take it off him again, but to no avail.

"Oh... So her name is Kate... Nice name... Does she have a last name?" he wanted to know.

"We're not going to google her. Give it back." I said.

"Why not? What are you going to do? Tell on my mom?" he asked mockingly.

"You know, that's not the worst idea," I said.

"Seriously... Why don't you know anything about the mystery woman? That's not normal." Jimmy replied.

"Because we promised each other... And it's kind of refreshing. Old school. We just told each other a few details like our first and last names, where we're from and a few other little things. She doesn't know what I do for a living and I don't know what she does," I explained to him.

"And it's driving you crazy," he said, handing the phone back to me.

"What makes you think that?" I wanted to know.

"Because you're obviously crazy about her. Maybe you should let me look her up... You know... to make sure the lady isn't a lunatic or something. All you have to do is tell me her name..." he suggested.

"Nice try. Not going to happen. Let me do it my way." I replied.

"Like a caveman..." he mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing... I'll see you later." he replied and hurried off.

Even though I had to admit it was damn tempting. Of course I wanted to know more. I wanted to know what Kate looked like, I wanted to put a face to that beautiful voice. And I tried to be patient.

Hmm.... Maybe it was time I made a move. Was it perhaps a good idea to send her a photo of me? And if I should do it.... What kind of photo? Casual? Dressed up? During a workout? Questions upon questions... And what exactly was I supposed to do if she didn't send one back or worse... if she didn't like what she saw.

For my part, I was damn sure I would like it. There was no other option. This woman just had to be gorgeous. Not that that was the most important thing or anything, but in my mind she just was.

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