36 Make you happy

362 28 13

Kate POV

"Oh you are without a doubt the most handsome boy in the whole wide world." I cooed to the baby in my arms as I slowly walked up and down with him in our bedroom.

I couldn't get enough of him. The love I felt for this little creature was so strong. Stronger than I ever thought possible.

"Hey! I mean, yes he is, but still... Hey!" my husband complained as he stood in the doorway obviously he had been watching us.

"I'm sorry, babe. You are, of course, the most handsome man in the whole wide world. No wonder you make the cutest babies. Destin looks just like you, after all. Which reminds me, you haven't paid me yet..." I replied with a smile.

"Nice save, Mrs. Reigns. And you're right. I'm sure he'll be a real lady magnet one day. We'll have to fight off the admirers with the hose and broom when he's older. Right, Peanut?" he said, standing in front of us.

With his hand, Roman gently stroked Destin's soft, dark hair before giving me a kiss.

"No doubt about it. I'm just not sure I ever want to share him. I have two of you now... What's better in the world?" I asked as I looked into his eyes.

"Oh, I could think of something.... but there's still time." Roman smirked.

Of course I knew what he meant and couldn't help but giggle. There really was still time. Apart from that, I wasn't convinced that we wouldn't just get another copy of him. I mean.... looking at his family like that.... you couldn't deny that they had strong, dominant genes.

"It certainly is... We can talk about it in, say... a year or so. If our peanut sleeps a little longer than 2 hours at a time." I replied.

But before Ro could answer me, the doorbell rang. I looked up at him, confused.

"Are we expecting someone?" I wanted to know.

"Maybe... It's probably your surprise. I've found a better way to pay off my debt than giving you money. I hope you'll like it. You stay here and I'll come get you when it's ready. Okay?" he said and I could feel how enthusiastic and excited he was. It had to be something big. And of course I immediately wondered what it could be.

"What's Daddy up to, huh? What could it be? Did he tell you something, Mr. Destin? You can tell me... I won't snitch on you." I said to the baby.

I had to smile because he was just looking at me and chewing on his little fists. He was so cute, even if he wasn't any use to me as a spy yet.

"I love you, peanut. Let's sit in the rocking chair for a bit so we don't spoil Daddy's surprise. Aren't you tired yet? Mommy actually still has to work. But you're more important now. Do you want Mommy to sing?" I babbled as we sat down in the cozy chair.

I gently cradled Destin in my arm while my free hand stroked his tiny fingers. 

"You think you own whatever land you land on

The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim

But I know every rock and tree and creature

Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people who are people

Are the people who look and think like you

But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger

You′ll learn things you never knew

You never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?

Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?

Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?

Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?" I sang softly and slowly but surely his eyes grew heavy.

Eventually they remained closed. I sighed as I leaned my head back. It was only at that moment that I realized we were no longer alone. Roman was leaning against the doorframe, looking at us.

"That was beautiful Katie... I didn't know you could sing like that." he said quietly.

"Well, what can I say. I am a woman of many talents. Come and put your son in the bassinet, Ro." I replied in a whisper.

I gave my little one a kiss on the forehead before Roman took him into his strong arms. He also gave the baby a kiss and then laid him down. He gently swaddled Destin while I closed the curtains.

When the room was darkened, Ro took me by the hand and led me out of the room.

"Ready for your surprise?" he asked as we walked towards the door that led to the garden.

"Sure. Is it outside?" I wanted to know.

"Yep. I know how much you miss your front porch and the swing. That's why I got you one for here." he explained to me just as we caught sight of it.

"Oh my God, Roman! That is so... Oh my goodness! I can't believe you did this for me. I love it! You're perfect, babe!" I gushed when I saw it.

And it was almost the same as the one at the house in Georgia. I had never said it and yet Ro knew how much I missed that part of my house in particular. Now he had just brought that part here to me.

"I love you Katie and that's something that makes you happy." he replied and I knew how proud he was.

"I love you too and you and our baby make me so incredibly happy!" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

I sniffled softly before giving him a more than deserved kiss. 

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