Chapter 4

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Vincent POV
My alarm clock blared as I stretched my hand and turned it off. What's the use of this shit if I wake up before it. I thought as I've been fully awake an hour before the alarm blared.

I got off the bed with a grunt and headed to the shower to get ready for college. I took my bath got dressed and left the room. I walked into the kitchen to see Mason, Asher, Cassie and Sarah already eating breakfast on the dining table.

These girls are here every time they might as well fucking move in.

"Good morning" they chorused and I just grunted as a reply.

I took a seat furthest for them and grabbed an apple. "Vincent dearie. I'm having a party this weekend are you coming?" Mason batted his eyelash like a fucking creep. I shot him a glare and turned my gaze to my phone.

"Is that my fucking shirt?" I asked with narrowed eyes. "Yes Vincy darling we're practically brothers at this point we're meant to share everything" Mason reasoned "stay away from my stuff" i scowled and turned my attention back to my phone.

I glanced through my phone for any important emails tossed the apple into the trash and headed out the door. I made my way to my car and got in, only to hear the sound of the doors opening and closing.

"What the actual fuck do you guys think you're doing?" I scowled. "Hitching a ride with you to school" Mason clipped making himself comfortable on the seats as the other three in the backseat blabbered away about something I didn't give two fucks about.

"This better not be a regular thing" i scowled and pulled out the driveway.

"We're here. Now get the fuck out of my car" I yelled at them when I parked the car at the space reserved for me.

"We're going....seethe you don't have to be so pushy about it" Mason said and ran out of the car before I could curse his ass out. "Fucking dick" I muttered locking the doors and headed straight to class.

I walked out of the building and approached my car but couldn't find any of them around. I unlocked my car and stepped in waited for a few minutes but never saw them. Their choice I thought and started the car.

I groaned, whipped out my phone and dialed Asher's number it rang for sometime but got no answer. I was about to call again when my doors opened and they all stepped in.

"Where the fuck did you guys go?" I seethed.

"Oh vincy you missed us" Mason squealed and i scowled.

"We were actually taking about this" Asher interrupted before I could chop Mason's head off and headed me a flyer.

"We had choreography students?" I asked with crunched brows. "Hmm it's seems so and they're doing their first ever performance tonight" Asher continued. I hummed a reply and drove out the college premises.

"So are you coming, I mean we're all going?" Cassie asked. "Enjoy the show" I said curtly.

"C'mon man stay for at least ten minutes"Asher chided but I just ignored him.

I parked the car, got out, stepped into the house and headed straight to my room. I took off my shoes, pulled out my laptop and got to work

A knock sounded on my door as I muttered a come in. "Hey man we're heading down to school to watch the performance you coming?" Asher asked "you guys have fun" I said not tearing my gaze from the laptop.

"C'mon man" Asher asked and I sighed. I got off the bed slipped my shoes back on and followed him out of the room.

"Vincy baby I knew you couldn't stay away from me" Mason squealed when he saw me about to jump on me but I quickly side stepped in and shot him glare. He knows how I feel about being touched.

"Don't worry we'll get it right" he said and skipped out the door. Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I decided to be friends with him.

"Are you driving?." Asher asked but I didn't reply. I just tossed him the key and got into the backseat.

"Hey" Sarah greeted. I nodded and looked out the window as we drove off.

I'm already regretting why I came and the fucking performance hasn't even started yet.

First of all we arrived a little early and took the first row. The first fucking row to make it much worse I'm seated between Mason and a girl I don't even care to remember her name.

She hasn't stopped blabbing since she sat down about five minutes ago and won't stop trying to touch my fucking arm. I need a drink.

After what felt like forever the auditorium lights dimmed down. The sound of footsteps pounding on the floor echoed through the quiet auditorium. The lights flicked back on as under the influence by Chris brown blared through the speakers.

The dancers moved gracefully but I was no longer focused on the dance. My whole attention was focused on the brown skinned girl dancing in the middle. I was mesmerized by her. She was fucking beautiful.

My gaze never moved from her throughout the performance. By the end of the performance I was the first to get up and applaud them as others followed. They lined up did a little bow and scurried off the stage happily. I left the chair and walked away ignoring the girl calling me.

"Vincent Hamilton?" A delivery boy asked shaking like a leaf. I nodded.

"You ordered sir" he said I collected it about to walk away but suddenly stopped. I'm nervous. Why I'm I nervous.

"Give it to the slim blond haired lady and tell her it's for Rachael"I shoved the flower into his hands. He nodded rapidly and stumbled forward .

I watched from afar the smile that graced her face when she saw the flower. Fuck she was beautiful for her massive curly hair, brown big eyes, pointed nose, pink kissable lips and don't get me started on her body.

She had a medium sized chest amazing huge round ass and a small waistline. Her brown flawless skin glowed from afar.

She's so beautiful and she's mine and with that thought I walked away.

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