Liam x angerissues! reader

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(please kindly ignore the image :3)

Requested by @ClairetheHO86 !!

/!\This is not my first time writing characters with anger issues but again, i'd like to leave a warning. I don't have anger issues myself so it's possible the way i depict it is innacurate or even harmful. Please let me know if i did, and i'll edit the fic to make it more accurate./!\

-Gender neutral O/N (they/them)
-O/N has abandonment issues
-doesn't take place on a specific episode, just somewhere between ONE 1 and 5 :)
-Since they're on the plane, Liam is referred to as Backpack and O/N as... well, O/N.

Just to clarify:

In plane = O/N
Outside world = Y/N


Backpack laid in the grass of the plane, looking up at the endless blue stretching above him.
How many days has it been since he got stuck here?
How many days would it be until he got out?

The lack of answers tugged at his sanity.

He turned in the grass shutting his eyes as if desperate to fall asleep. Sleep always felt restless here, but being unconscious would at least make him forget.

Backpack heard soft footsteps coming towards him, then the rustling of grass as someone sat by his side. He turned to look up at the newcomer.

A/an [your object] was looking down at him.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"Oh, O/N! Not at all, i honestly couldn't sleep at all since... since we got here."

Backpack sat up to talk to O/N.
He had gotten to know the other object well, and despite the desperate circumstances, the two had formed a sweet bond.
Backpack could honestly say he considered O/N a good friend.

All of them were shaken by the sudden forced competition, but O/N had stayed hopeful, which was what drew Backpack to them.
Though recently, it seemed everything was getting to them.

"...O/N? We have to talk- you haven't been yourself recently, i-i get it's overwhelming just being teleported to some random grass field with no escape and being forced to compete against total strangers, but this isn't the hopeful O/N i know. Talk to me."

"It's affecting everyone, not just me. Leave it, Backpack."

"But I want to help."

Maybe this friendship would be temporary, maybe it would last, maybe it would be over as soon as this all ended... if this ever ended.
Backpack didn't care how "ephemeral" or whatever this could be, he still cared.

"O/N, look at me-"


O/N had turned to face away from Backpack. They were shuddering and sniffling a bit, though their eyes were totally dry.

"I'm just so fed up with this, Backpack. I'm already tired enough without some stupid bag with a hero complex trying to 'fix' me, will you shut up when i tell you to?!"

O/N snapped, glaring at the other object.
Guilt instantly flooded through them and their expressions softened.
Backpack was only trying to help, wasn't he?


"Backpack... I didn't mean..."

Words failed O/N at that moment. Backpack understood. The competition was taking a toll on everyone, and he was aware O/N had some underlying issues regarding their temper.
He leaned closer and took them into a hug. This proved efficient, as O/N started sobbing uncontrollably, clinging onto their friend.

No words were needed.

Backpack pulled away once O/N calmed down.

"Listen, i get the situation's taking a toll on everyone, I get that you're frustrated and that it's hard, but you can't keep lashing out at others like that, it's not healthy."

"I know it is. Do you know how many friends I've lost because i didn't know how to manage myself? I was honestly afraid of losing you too, so i was bottling it up to the extremes the whole time."

"That isn't healthy either. Look, I won't leave you, we'll work through it together and it'll be okay."

Backpack laid back down in the grass, gesturing for O/N to do the same. They did and shifted a bit closer, just enough for their bodies to touch.

"...O/N? If this ever ends, can we find each other? In the real world?"

"I'd love that... My name is Y/N by the way. You?"

"I'm Liam."


Hi!! So if you've been keeping close watch, you might've noticed i've ran out of requests to write.
They're still closed at the moment and will reopen sometime next monday :P
Thanks for your patience!

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