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Loud knocks woke me up and I groaned and answered - "I am opening the door! Stop knocking Hannah"

I yawned widely and opened the lock. Following my morning routine - as soon as I opened the door I hugged her. She hugged me back - "Slept well?"

I nodded. She had always hugged me. I yawned again and she said - "I woke Jisung up too. He is in the bathroom."

"Thanks sis" I said as I cracked my knuckles. I went back inside, bathed, put on my outfit, makeup and ran to eat breakfast. Chan was eating with Jisung and Hannah was already done eating. I sat beside Chan and served myself 2 slices of bread with butter. Simple breakfast.

Hyunjin walked in wearing his pyjamas - "I don't wanna go!"

"You have to" Hannah said. "Go and change"

"Argh" he walked back in. "So I texted Seojun last night...after you all slept" I said.

"WHAT!" Hannah exclaimed.

"I didn't sleep, I was listening to music" Chan admitted.

"Channie" I frowned.

"Come to the main topic - you texted him what?" Hannah asked me. I took my phone out and showed it to Chan and Hannah -

Alina: You up? Look I am so sorry I reacted like that - I mean not all fans get to text their idols personally

Seojun: No offense taken. How is your life going on...did that 'father' of urs come while you were...ignoring me?

Alina: He did. But thankfully my bestfriend had returned from the States. He fought him away and saved me and my bro. Knight in shining armour I'd say

Seojun: I see....your bestfriend huh? I thought it was the girl beside you...the girl with wide eyes and all?

Alina: She is my bestfriend too. Her brother is Bangchan - the guy I told you about.

Seojun: And what is the girl's name?

Alina: Hannah Bang

Seojun: You aren't sleepy?

Alina: No, I am worried about Chan. He's got Somniphobia and he isn't sleeping at all

"Aww, you were worried about me?" Chan said with a smile. I nodded as they read on -

Seojun: Oh, yikes, dw

Alina: I wish I can.

Seojun: You can. Close your eyes - listen to music and sleep.

Alina: Okay, gn Han Seojun

Seojun: GN Alina 👋

I closed my phone and looked at Hannah's wide open mouth. "Advice and goodnight on the first conversation. Sounds like a kdrama" she said and Chan laughed - "The first time I talked to Alina was when she was 13 and I said 'love you' instead of bye. Does that mean I love her?"

I coughed. I 'used' to have a huge crush on him. That ended when I turned 20 but...I still thought he was very handsome. His 'love you' gave me butterflies back then.

"Of course not" I said, smiling.

"But you aren't handsome like seojun" Hannah said. "He is handsome. What do you mean?" I said looking at Chan. He winked in approval.

"Alright. Hannah can you drop Jisung at his school? I have work" I said as I went upstairs to get my bag from the first floor (her house is a duplex, did I say that earlier?) But when I returned, I tripped on air and fell down the stairs. The last thing I heard was Jisung shouting scared and Chan's worried calls.

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