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Seojun pov (after a month)

The morning sun filtered through the curtains of my room, casting a soft glow on the floor. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, smoothing down my shirt for the third time. I had planned this day for a week, every detail meticulously thought out. Today, Alina and I would hang out. For me, it was more than just a hangout—it was a chance to be close to her, to show her how much she meant to me. But for her, it was just a day with a friend. 

It hurt to see her with Chan. Practically living with him....who knows what they would have done? i mean Hannah, Jisung and Hyunjin were there too but there are too many rooms. Was she in an official relationship with him? If yes, why was she hiding it from me? We had been in constant touch after my mother's departure to heavenly abode so we became really good friends.

I phoned my manager - "Did you make the reservation? I don't want any hassles"

I arrived at the cafe a little early, choosing a table by the window. The air was filled with the rich aroma of coffee and freshly baked pastries. I ordered a cappuccino for myself and a latte for Alina, her favorite. She walked in a few minutes later, her smile lighting up the room. My heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, Seojun!" she greeted, her voice warm and cheerful.

"Hey, Alina," I replied, standing up to give her a quick hug. "I got you a latte."

"You remembered!" she said, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. "Thanks, you're the best."

We settled into a comfortable conversation, talking about everything from our favorite movies to the latest books we were reading. I hung onto every word she said, captivated by her passion and enthusiasm. Even though she didn't see me the way I saw her, I cherished these moments.

After our coffee, we decided to take a walk in the nearby park. The trees were lush and green, and the path was dotted with flowers in full bloom. Alina walked ahead, her hair swaying gently in the breeze. I walked beside her, stealing glances and trying to memorize every detail of her face.

"Seojun, look at those ducks!" she exclaimed, pointing to a family of ducks by the pond.

"They're cute," I said, more interested in her excitement than the ducks themselves. "Do you remember the time we fed the ducks and one of them stole your sandwich?"

She laughed, a melodious sound that made my heart ache with longing. "How could I forget? You chased after it like a hero, but it was too fast. Your fans took many videos and photos and it became viral. 'Han seojun - the idol chasing after ducks' God even now look a few girls are clicking pics of us. They will think we are dating" she said and i chuckled - "Let them think so. But i love our friendship."

"Me too. I used to think I only have Chan and Hannah as friends but now I got Felix, You, Suho and his wife as friends too. What was her name...Jugyeong. Everything in a short span of time." she said smiling wide. "Isn't Chan your boyfriend?" I asked her and she shook her head - "I want to confess my feelings to him...but something is stopping me. I can't ask him...whenever i get close to him for this purpose something else happens. Once i went to confess and Jisung fell off the swing. Another time, Hannah almost got hit by a car. So its just 'friends' for now." she said and she looked sad. I patted her back - "Don't worry....you will find the right time to confess to the right person."

It hurt to say it.

We continued walking, the conversation flowing effortlessly. I suggested we get some ice cream, and she eagerly agreed. We found a small ice cream truck, and I ordered her favorite—mint chocolate chip. We sat on a bench, enjoying the treat and each other's company.

"You always know how to make a day fun, Seojun," Alina said, nudging me playfully.

"It's easy when I'm with you," I replied, trying to keep my tone light despite the heaviness in my chest. I wanted to tell her again how I felt, How i wanted to desperately get a second chance to win her heart but she already made it clear to me that she had no romantic interest in me. But that would make things awkward but i asked. Instead, I focused on making her smile, on creating memories that I could hold onto.

As the day turned into evening, we found ourselves at a small hill overlooking the city. The sunset painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, a breathtaking sight.

"Wow, this is beautiful," Alina said, her voice filled with wonder.

"Yeah," I agreed, though I was looking at her more than the view. "I'm glad we came here."

We sat in comfortable silence for a while, the world around us fading away. I wished I could freeze this moment, keep it forever. But I knew it wouldn't last.

"Thank you for today, Seojun," she said softly. "I had a great time."

"Me too, Alina," I replied, my heart heavy with pain. "Anytime you want to hang out, just let me know."

She smiled, a smile that lit up her entire face. "I will."

As we walked back to the bus stop, I couldn't shake the bittersweet feeling. Being with Alina was both a joy and a pain, a constant reminder of what could never be. But for now, I would take what I could get. One day at a time, one moment with her at a time. Even if it was just as a friend, it was enough.

For now.

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