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Alina pov-

Days had passed since the incident with Seojun, and I hadn't interacted with him since then. My focus had shifted entirely to taking care of Jisung, managing my health, and spending time with Felix. Somehow, Felix managed to keep my mind occupied—he played games with us, took us to the movies, and the kids loved having him around. One particular day, Felix approached us excitedly.

"There's a new movie out—" he began, but Chan interrupted him.

"Sorry, Felix, I can't come with you this time. It's Hannah's birthday, and we have a party. But you should come too," Chan said, and I nodded in agreement. Felix readily agreed to join.

Minutes later, we stepped into a brightly lit bar adorned with neon lights. Hyunjin and Jisung were at home.

"I don't drink," Felix stated as he entered. "I'm a lightweight."

"Same here," I chimed in, and we exchanged a high-five. Hannah ordered drinks for everyone as I settled onto a barstool beside Chan. We started playing truth or dare, with the loser having to take a shot. Since Felix and I were sticking to non-alcoholic drinks, we were fine with the game—or so we thought.

As the game progressed, I began feeling increasingly fuzzy, attributing it to the adrenaline rush of being beside Chan. However, the dizziness soon became overwhelming, and I found myself leaning on the counter for support. Chan, noticing my flushed face, expressed concern.

"Are you alright, Alina? Do you still have a fever?" he asked worriedly.

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine," I slurred, trying to dismiss his worries. Chan took my glass and sniffed it.

"Is this... alcohol?" he questioned, realization dawning on him. Felix looked at me with concern, then marched over to the bartender to confront them about the mix-up. Meanwhile, another customer complained of receiving non-alcoholic drinks instead of alcoholic ones.

"Order mix-up," Chan explained, frowning as he joined Felix in the argument.

"Jesus," Felix muttered, visibly upset. He came back to me, looping my arm around his shoulder. "Let's go."

We exited the bar, and the cold air sobered me up slightly. Suddenly, a car pulled up in front of us, and out stepped Han Seojun.

Seojun's Pov:

Deciding to catch up with my friend who runs the bar, I spotted Alina with another guy, looking rather drunk as he helped her walk. I instructed my driver to stop, and I approached them.

"Alina?" I called out, and she turned to me, a dazed smile on her face. She reached out to me affectionately.


I couldn't help but smile back. However, my smile faded as I noticed the guy's closeness to her and her intoxicated state.

"Hannah, right?" I addressed the girl approaching us. She confirmed.

"You let her drink this much? And who's this guy? Her boyfriend?" I asked, feeling a twinge of jealousy. Hannah clarified that he was Felix, Chan's best friend.

"He's helping her because of a mix-up with her drink," Hannah explained. Felix then added that they had come in Chan's car but now needed help getting home.

"I'll drop you all home," I offered, feeling a sense of responsibility. As we rode, I couldn't help but keep an eye on Alina through the rearview mirror. Though she leaned on Chan for support, it was Felix who bothered me the most.

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