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"Ice skating? I can't even cycle properly and you want me to go ice skating with you Mr.Han? Do you want me to break my bones or something?" i asked Seojun. We were sitting in the couch in his living room. He called me for a movie night and I couldn't refuse when he promised we would see - 'My love from the star.'

How could I refuse that offer?

Exactly an hour later we were sitting in the couch watching the 4th Episode when Seojun came up with this idea. 

"You don't know how to cycle? How old are you....5? Even five year olds know how to cycle these days" he teased me and i scoffed - "i was always afraid of falling off. That's the reason i did not even go for a motorbike. Cars are safer"

He giggled and poked my cheeks with his two index fingers. "Ah Stwop" I said (i spoke it exactly the same way it is spelled here. I know the spelling for 'Stop' :p {i am not being rude, my bsf teased me asking whether i did not know the spelling when i gave her this chapter to read})

"Why? Cuz you know you should learn to ride one at least now?"

"Can we focus on Do Min-joon now please?"

"I'd rather focus on Song-yi...but seriously....learn to ride one. It would be nice to ride one in our next hang out. right?" he asked me.

I couldn't say no.

If not now- WHEN?

"Fine, look Song-yi is being a bitch again!" i pointed at the screen and we both laughed.


(the next Wednesday)

"Please, Seojun..." I pleaded, trying to balance on the bicycle without toppling over. "I can't do it. I'm too scared..."

"Every child takes their first step and falls down," Seojun replied. "But imagine if every child said, 'I'm scared, I might fall. Can I just crawl?' Would any human be walking today?"

I scoffed. "A child taking their first step is too young to talk. If they suddenly said, 'I'm scared, I might fall. Can I just crawl?' the parents would freak out first!"

Seojun just frowned. "Start pedaling."

"It's 4 in the morning! Why are we in the garden this early?" I protested.

"You're an adult! Won't you be embarrassed if anyone else sees you trying to cycle? I'm saving you from humiliation. Learn it now. I woke up at 2 just to—" he stopped when I stepped down from the cycle.

"Sorry if I made you upset," he apologized immediately. "But please, try to cycle. I'll hold you if you fall. I won't let you even get a scratch from today. I promise. Just try."

I sighed and sat back on the cycle. "Don't leave me, Seojun."

He just smiled in response. A few minutes later, I was pedaling my way around the garden with Seojun running alongside me, holding the cycle. He was laughing, and I was giggling, feeling a new sense of freedom. I could do it! Without my knowledge, Seojun let go of the cycle, but I kept pedaling, confident that he was still holding it, that I was safe and wouldn't fall. After a lap, I saw him standing in front of me, and realized he hadn't been holding the cycle behind me. Panic set in, and the cycle wobbled out of control, but he caught me before I could fall.

"See i told you. Cycling is easy. Now you can be proud that you can cycle." he said smiling. "I will NEVER let you fall."

That sounded romantic to me. Idk why but it did.

And what's that in my stomach?

That weird feeling....what IS IT?

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