20 - part 1

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Felix pov-

"Thanks Minho" I said for the last time before getting inside the airport. I was going to take her back.

I turned to Alina - "Don't get scared, alright? I will make sure you remember everything"

She smiled in response - "Thanks Felix"

The flight journey was quiet. One part of my mind said - take her away from Seojun and make her yours. But i won't do that. You know why? CUZ i am Lee Felix Yongbok. I will see her happy and that's enough to make me happy. She fell asleep on the flight and her head rested on my shoulder. I let her sleep, this might be our very last interaction. 


"I feel queasy." she said as we saw Jeongin waiting amidst all the taxi drivers. He ran to her and hugged her - "OMG you are alive! Seojun was a living mess"

Before we could comprehend what was happening - her little brother Jisung came running to her with Hyunjin running faster than him. 



Alina flinched in surprise as the kids hugged her. She turned to me for clarification. 

"This short guy is your little brother.  His name is Jisung. The other one is insignificant" I said earning a smack from Hyunjin. "I am Bang Hyunjin. I have two siblings - Bangchan and Bang Hannah. They are your friends. Noona...you really forgot everything?"

"Yes" she muttered. On our way back to Seojun's home, I-Jeongin and Hyunjin explained everything to her with pictures. It took her a while to memorize but she did eventually.

"And he is your boyfriend and the most famous solo idol in S.Korea" Hyunjin said pointed at Seojun's picture which was on a huge poster outside. It was an announcement for an upcoming concert.

It looks like he heard his gf was alive and got normal immediately.

"H-Han Seojun?" she read his name. "Peculiar face. But cute face"

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