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HanSeojunnn: Hey, Alina

Alina: Hey

HanSeojunnn: Its my mother's birthday and i wanted to talk to someone about it....

Alina: Bruh go and talk to your mom then. Spend time with her

HanSeojunnn: Only if i could

Alina: What do you mean? Han Seojun?

Hello? Seen

Seojun pov:

I never imagined I would find myself standing in a sterile hospital room, watching helplessly as my mother lay unconscious on the bed. The rhythmic beeping of the machines echoed through the room, a stark reminder of her fragile state. The sight of her frail form hooked up to various monitors and IV lines made my heart ache with a pain I couldn't bear to acknowledge.

I tried to stay strong, to maintain the composure expected of a famous Kpop solo idol like myself, Han Seojun. But as I stood there, staring at the woman who had raised me single-handedly, the floodgates of my emotions burst open, and tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

"Mom," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "Please, wake up. I need you."

But she remained still, her face peaceful yet unnervingly pale. The doctors had said there was a chance she might never wake up, and the uncertainty gnawed at me like a relentless beast.

"Han Seojun" I heard a sweet voice and i turned to the source. It was Lim Ju Kyung. Suho was standing quietly beside her.

I kept crying as I turned my face away from them. I heard footsteps coming closer and a pair of strong arms wrapping around me. It was Suho.

"She will be back healthy again Seojun. Don't worry" he cupped my cheeks and gave me a warm reassuring smile. "Now keep your hopes up cuz your mom is not an ordinary woman to just leave you like that. Remember she is a strong woman."

Ju Kyung came to me and said - "Talk to her Seojun. Even though she is unconscious she is listening."

'Talk' i repeated the word in my mind. Didn't Alina say the same?

Alina pov:

I kept looking at my message and regretted it after i realised he left me on seen. Did something happen to his mom?

"Alina!" Chan screamed at my ear and i got startled.

"Ah what the heck!" I shouted, scared. Chan laughed as he patted my head. I playfully frowned at him as he said - "God your face is hilarious"

"I was in a serious thought proc-who is it?" I pointed at the guy standing behind Chan. The guy behind Chan was blonde, with heart shaped lips and angel like features.

"Hello, I am Lee Felix" the blonde guy said, extending his hand for a handshake. I shook it and turned to Chan - "Your roommate?"

Felix answered - "Yeah"

"You are the guy with the deep voice who talked with me on the phone one day?" I asked him. He nodded - "And you sounded pretty rude last time" He smirked after stating that.

"I wasn't rude, i was worried about Chan" I defended myself. Felix smiled as he turned to Chan - "Is she your girlfriend bruh? She is a beauty"

"No i am his best friend. And get your eyes checked cuz if you find me beautiful then you might even find a piece of shit beautiful and-" I began but he shut my mouth with his palm. He pulled me closer and took a picture of my face. He then showed it to me - "How do you find this face ugly?"

"Its the most beautiful face i've even seen. So, don't tell me to get my eyes checked. Get your eyes checked. Alright? See ya" he walked away saying this and I was left to stand in shock. Chan nudged my shoulder - "wow....i think he likes you..."

"He is just being kind. Btw he is gonna stay in this house?"

"He came for a vacation so yeah"



"Noona, guest" Jisung said as he sat on my bed. "Come down"



"Tell Chan hyung that noona wants to stay in her room"

"You were here all day....now its evening"

"I know"

I heard a knock on my door and Hannah came in - "Is something wrong?"

"Not at all" i lied down on the bed. She touched my forehead and recoiled - "damn you have a fever"

"Fever?" Jisung asked. He started crying - "Noona has a fever?" Before i could say anything Hyunjin walked in. He sensed the situation and went down. He came up with a towel, medicines and a thermometer. I slipped into a feverish sleep as Hyunjin wiped my forehead with the cold towel.

As I stirred from my feverish slumber, my head throbbed painfully, and my body felt like it had been run over by a truck. Blinking slowly, I realized I wasn't alone in the room. Felix, Chan's roommate with the angelic features, sat beside my bed, his expression etched with concern.

"Hey, you're awake," Felix said softly, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

I managed a weak nod, my throat dry and voice barely a whisper. "Yeah... what happened?"

"You had a pretty high fever," Felix explained, his voice soothing. "Hyunjin and I took care of you while you were out. You've been asleep for a few hours."

I blinked, trying to process everything. Gratitude flooded through me, mixed with a tinge of embarrassment. "Oh... thank you," I mumbled, feeling a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

Felix chuckled lightly, reaching for a glass of water on the bedside table. "Here, drink some water. It'll help."

I accepted the glass gratefully, taking small sips to soothe my parched throat. As I drank, Felix watched me with concern, his gaze warm and reassuring.

Once I had finished, Felix set the glass aside and gently brushed a stray strand of hair from my face. "Feeling any better?"

I nodded, though I still felt weak. "A little, yeah."

Felix's expression softened, and he reached for the medicine bottle. "You should take these. They'll help with the fever and any pain you're feeling."

I nodded again, allowing Felix to help me sit up enough to take the medicine. I swallowed them with a grimace, the bitterness lingering on my tongue.

"Sorry about that," Felix said apologetically, handing me the glass of water again.

I shook my head, managing a small smile. "It's okay. Thank you for taking care of me."

Felix returned my smile, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "Of course. That's what friends are for, right?"

"Friend?" I said raising my eyebrows. "I don't remember me telling you that i am your friend."

"Oi" he said. "I helped you."

I chuckled - "Alright. Let's be friends"


A/N: Update! Yeah

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