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(time skip to the Yacht party - cuz i am too bored and clueless to write the events before it)

"Yacht. God" i gasped as we went to get in. "Its my first luxury party..."

"Mine too" Chan said. "I mean I've only hosted parties until now, its my first time attending one."

"Don't flaunt your money" Jisung said and I agreed with him even though i knew Chan was not flaunting. "Yah Alina!" Chan said and I laughed. We were soon in our rooms in the yacht.

"I miss Hannah. I wish she was here to enjoy with us" I said just as we got into our rooms in the yacht. "Yeah, if not for that guy falling sick she would have been here" Hyunjin said. 

"Its not my fault i fell sick" We heard a voice and we turned to the entrance of the room to find a medium height guy standing there. He was smiling, his dimples enhancing his already good features. His hair was flowing according to the rhythm of the air conditioner's air. "I am Jeongin. Yang jeongin"

"oh, uhm yea- I am sorry" Hyunjin stuttered. jeongin laughed - "its fine kiddo. Its fine"

Just then Hannah appeared - "Hola ladies and little boys"

"I am not little" Chan growled which just made Hannah chuckle - "Yeah right"

(A/N: Oops Chan growling...? Its scary)

"Btw, you might ask for an explanation about how i came here all of a sudden with him. He was sick (in Busan) when I reached his place. He got healthy the very next day so Seojun gave him a free pass to the yacht party along with y'all." Hannah said.

"That's good." I said, looking at Jisung who cleared his throat - "What's your full name?"

"Yang jeongin" jeongin said with a smile which reminded me of spring blossoms. 

"MBTI type?" Jisung asked.


"Favourite food?"


"Favourite colour?"

"Used to be hot pink but now its green"

"Favourite animal?"


"Uhm Jisung" I interrupted him. "Is this an interview? let the poor guy relax a bit"

Jeongin chuckled - "Jisung is quite interesting. What do you like to do in your free time Jis-"

"I like reading about birds. The evolutionary origins of birds trace back to the theropod dinosaurs of the Mesozoic era. Over millions of years, these small, bipedal dinosaurs underwent remarkable transformations, developing feathers for insulation and flight, lightweight skeletons, and specialized respiratory systems. The discovery of fossils like Archaeopteryx provides crucial insights into the transitional forms that bridged the gap between dinosaurs and modern birds. The process of avian evolution, marked by selective pressures and adaptive radiations-"

Hyunjin stuffed Jisung's mouth with chocolates to make him stop. Jeongin looked relieved. "You are....smart" Jeongin concluded. I laughed - "i should have warned you then. Hello Jeongin, i am Alina"

"Oh I know about you. In fact, i have your phone number & your Instagram account has a follower with the username - @i.2.n.8 which is me. Uhm, am i blabbering?"

"Oh not at all. I've seen worse" side eyeing Jisung. Jisung pouts and kicks me in my leg. "Argh geez sorry" i said nudging him away. 

"By the way, how do you have all that?"

"Oh Hannah tried to set me up with you earlier and kept forcing me to text you. But i am a coward so i did not. But this yacht party is god sent. I finally have the chance to meet you beautiful" he came forward and kissed my hand. "Pleased to meet you"

Normally i would have blushed but now I just gently pulled my hand away. I had Seojun, i needed no one else. 

"I get it" Jeongin said, still smiling. "Too intimate for you? I'll handle just talking with you for now."


"jeongin" I said as I came to him with his wine glass and my orange juice glass. Another girl walked to us and looked at me with envy.

'Girl, he is not mine, you can take him' i mentally said.

The girl then poured her wine all over my dress.

"Pabo, does anyone pour wine on a black dress?" I smirked. "Too bad you are wearing white" I said as i poured Jeongin's drink on her dress. She walked away, cursing under her breath.

"Girl, you ate and left no crumbs" Jeongin appreciated me. I smiled in response, just as Seojun walked to me - "Hey I did not see you all the time...where were y- who is he?"

"Yang Jeongin" Jeongin introduced himself. "her friend"

Seojun walked to me and held me close to him by my waist and whispered in my ear - "Remember, you are mine"

And then he walked away. Jeongin heard him and he gasped - "Ah....he is your boyfriend? Idol, i see why you chose him" and walked away. I caught up to him - "Jeongin its not that he is an idol....its just his character and personality that made me love him."

"B-But there is nothing wrong with my personality and character. I am a good guy too" Jeongin muttered just as tears filled his eyes. I hugged him - "jeongin you are a good guy. But it does not change whom i love. Right? So lets be friends, besties if you'd like that. But understand i like Seojun"

(I feel bad for writing this)

"Yes. Friends / even best friends"

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise" I said. And just then, the dimmed lights brightened up, focusing on me and Jeongin. Some guy with a microphone exclaimed over the speaker - "Here is our star couple of the day - cheers everybody"

"Ah, no we are not a couple" jeongin said. "She is my-"

he paused when he saw the hurt Seojun's eyes. Seojun walked away even before Jeongin could complete.

"-best friend" jeongin completed and the lights neutralized again. I sighed in dismay and ran after seojun - "Seojun wait!"

"WAIT!" I shouted again but he kept running away. Suddenly I slipped on something and i fell into the water.

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