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Third person pov-

Seojun dropped off everyone at their respective homes before heading to the bar. As he stepped inside, he spotted his friend Suho engaged in conversation with the bartenders. The bar was nearly empty, signaling the approaching end of the day's business.

Seojun settled onto a barstool and gruffly ordered, "Soju."

Suho glanced over, concern etching his features. "You're here to drink? Are you sure about this?"

"Too much on my mind," Seojun replied tersely. "I need something to clear my head."

"Are you certain, Seojun?" Suho's tone carried a hint of worry.

Seojun's lips twisted into a bitter smile. "Do I appear in need of your judgment right now?" It was unlike him to speak so harshly.

He tossed a wad of bills onto the counter. "I know you're well-off, but keep it. Just give me something to numb the pain."

With a sigh, Suho placed a bottle before him. Seojun wasted no time in uncorking it and taking a long swig. One bottle turned into two, and soon enough, he had downed nine consecutively. As he reached for the tenth, Suho intervened, pulling his hand away.

"You've had enough," Suho scolded him firmly.

Seojun cursed aloud. "I NEED MORE!"

Suho took charge, leading Seojun out to his car. "I'm taking you home."

Seojun leaned on Suho for support, his words slurred. "Hey, do you remember where my new place is? I swear I wrote it down somewhere... or maybe not. But seriously, it's on that street, you know, the one with the big tree and the funky mailbox? Yeah, that one!"

"I'm taking you to MY home," Suho insisted as he settled Seojun into the passenger seat.

"It's my home," Seojun argued weakly.

"You're not staying alone in this state," Suho replied firmly.

Seojun let out a drunken chuckle. "Then come to my home. I like my home. I want my home."

"I don't want to leave Jugyeong alone at home," Suho explained.

"Jugyeong," Seojun muttered, his speech slurring even more. "First, it was her, and now it's Alina..." He trailed off, his eyelids growing heavy as he passed out.

Suho carefully lifted the limp Seojun out of the car and onto his shoulder, struggling slightly under his weight. With careful steps, he made his way to his front door, where the warm light spilled out onto the porch. Jugyeong was waiting inside, her brows furrowed with worry as she peered out, spotting Suho's burden.

"Suho, what happened?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern as she rushed to the door.

"He's had a bit too much," Suho explained, his voice weary. "I couldn't leave him alone in that state."

Jugyeong's eyes softened as she took in the sight of their old friend. Memories flooded back from their school days when the three of them were inseparable. She stepped forward to help, her concern evident. Together, they maneuvered Seojun into the living room and settled him onto the couch.

As Suho fetched a blanket to cover Seojun, Jugyeong hovered nearby, her gaze fixed on their unconscious friend. "Do you think he's okay?"

Suho sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I hope so. He's been through a lot lately."

Jugyeong nodded, her expression troubled. "We should keep an eye on him."

Suho pov-

I leaned on the chair i was sitting on as I watched the tv. Jugyeong came and turned down the volume as she hissed at me - "Seojun is resting!"

"Oh yeah right" I said turning the tv off. I looked at Seojun and realised he looked pale. I touched his forehead and then frowned - "He is burning up."

Jugyeong dipped a towel in water and cooled down his face as I took out a few medicines from the cabinet. "It is so unlike him to drink this much...9 bottles..." I mumbled as I sat beside him.

"He drank in our bar?" she asked and I nodded. "And you let him drink?" she scolded me.

"He was not himself" I explained everything from his entry to the 9th bottle. She got teary - "God, he used to be the sensible one. What happened to him?"

"Dunno. You go and sleep babe, I will take care" I said. Jugyeong looked at me with a 'are you sure' expression. I nodded and she went to bed. I waited beside Seojun, wondering what went wrong.

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