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Alina pov-

Now that we were a thing, we had to find a way to tell that to the others i.e Chan, Jisung, Hannah, Hyunjin Felix, Suho, Jugyeong...and finally his fans. But we decided to take it real slow cuz we were afraid of getting judged. Especially by his fans.

After returned to home that day I suddenly felt afraid cuz we had kissing and there were people around. What if any fan had seen it or what if someone had captured it in pixels? I texted Seojun about it and he sent a series of skull emojis before texting-

'i had rented out the whole place for us. The people around were hired actors, mere extras in our private moment. I did it because I didn't want you to feel uneasy if it were just the two of us. You see, I know how recognizable you are to fans, and I couldn't bear the thought of you facing any embarrassment. I hope you understand, love. I just want to keep you safe from any harm or ridicule.'


It made me blush real hard. I was glad he could not see my face while texting. When did i fall in love with him -  I dunno. But i fell real hard. I know that. Maybe it was during one of our cycling sessions. Maybe. Or it was in one of the movie nights? I dunno. BUT I HAD FALLEN FOR HIM, my heart completely at his mercy.

'Thank you love' i texted him back and screamed into my pillow. I could not contain my glee and i wanted to tell it to the world. I wanted to tell everyone that this rainbow - named Han Seojun- was my love. I had heard of his story of his first love Jugyeong but I don't mind. She was colourblind. But I have a great vision, TQ.

Chan came into my bedroom and asked me - "You okay Al? We all heard you scream into the pillow. It was muffled but we heard you all right. You ok?"

"I am alright" I said. 

"Woah you are blushing. Who made you blush?  Its Felix isn't it? OI FELIX, COME HERE BRUH!!!" he shouted but i shushed him. But Felix came inside the bedroom - "I was packing my suitcase for my flight tomorrow, is it important?"

"its not" i said and sent him away. I turned to Chan - "Its nothing important Chan. I am not in love with Felix nor was he the one who made me blush."

"Who is it then?" he asked me but before i could answer Jisung barged in - "Noona, Seojun hyung is here"

"Right. I will tell you later" i excused myself and ran to the living room. Seojun was already sitting there, looking as fine as wine. His wine-coloured blazer which was worn on top of a black button-up t-shirt did not contribute in making my heart beat any slower. At this point i could not even hear the conversation, all i could hear was my heart go - 

lub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub

"Alina, you okay?" seojun asked, breathing through the heartbeat echoes in my mind. "Yeah, why are you here Seojun?" i asked, trying to sound casual. He smirked - "Still stuck in a certain moment?"

He stopped when he heard Chan's footsteps. "Ah Chan, I want to invite you, her, Jisung, Felix, Hyunjin and Hannah to my yacht party this weekend. Hope you all are free" Seojun said.

Ah, so this is why he came at 9pm. But the weekend is like days away....he could have said it tmr...

"Felix is going back tmr" I said and I could see Seojun's eyes brightening up. "He is?" he tried to sound casual but it was filled with glee. "yeah. I can bring the others. What say Chan?" I asked.

Chan thought for a while - "Sure, its gonna be fun"

"But i have a trouble, i won't be able to join" i said as soon as i thought about work. "This weekend is not a holiday and if I take leave it is 'loss of pay' which means i'd lose that day's salary"

"Do you really need that money?" Seojun asked me and I knew what he meant.

He meant:' you are dating me - the Han Seojun - are you really short of money?'

"I-i don't" i said and smiled. "Yacht party it is"

"Also there is a dress code, Jugyoung will explain you. As for men, its just some blazer." Seojun said. I looked at the time and realised it was 10 already - "Seojun, its 10...are you going to drive in this state? you are half asleep" I said just as he tried to not nod off.

"Yea-i-i mean i am not sleepy i can drive" Seojun said but Chan stopped him - "Mr.Han (he says it this formally when he has the final word for something), you are not driving in this state"

Seojun, whose eyes were drooping shut rubbed his eyes and yawned - "Okay....i-i will text Suho that i won't go home today. he usually comes to visit me each night, especially after mom passed away"

He took his phone and started typing but paused midway. My attention, which was on his fingers moved to his face and i could not help but giggle. He was asleep, his head slumped forward. "This guy" Chan sighed and walked to him and removed the phone from his hand (which was limp). Chan typed the rest of the message just as Felix came to me with dinner - "Hey Jisung and Hyunjin ate and slept in their room. I made ramen"

"Thanks lix, did you finish packing?"

"Yeah i did, but there is something missing in my bag. a photo frame is empty inside" he said just as i took the bowl of ramen. "I think we should take a selfie together. The frame would look 100x better with you and me in it."

"Ah flirt" i said as i punched his shoulder playfully. For some reason this became a ritual. He would flirt and i would pretend to like it. I mean his lines were somewhat good but i had 0 interest in having him as a romantic partner. I already had Seojun. I did not want anyone.

"What is Seojun doing here, and why is he asleep?"

"Long story. you were invited to a yacht party which was going to be organised this weekend but you are flying tomorrow."

"Ah sucks"

Felix covered Seojun with a blanket and came to the dining table.

The dining table seating arrangement:


I suddenly felt the extreme need to use the bathroom so i excused myself and ran to the bathroom. When i returned, I noticed Felix asleep on the chair and Hannah was not there. "Where is Hannah Chan?" I asked and he said - "her best friend is sick so it was kind of an emergency and she kind of hurried to her room to pack."

True to his words, Hannah came out of her room with a small suitcase - "Hey Al, i need to go to Busan. my friend is sick."

"Busan?" I thought. That place rang a bell. "That Yang guy? The guy with two siblings?"

"Yeah" she ran out of the front door. 


A/N: Yay, Yang introduction!!!! (❤️ ω ❤️)

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