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Jeongin pov-

"Its been days, and still they couldn't find Alina" Chan cried over the phone. "its because of that gae-sae-kki Seojun she might be dead" he cried on the phone.

"Aish hyung we will find her. She might be alive"

But who am i kidding? They found her bracelet and her hairclip. Also a piece of her long gown was found. She was dead. 

"But they found all those!" Chan cried on the phone. "Her clip...which i gifted her...her gown piece...she was precious. my precious friend....if not for that son of a-"

"Stop scolding Seojun" I said looking at the drunk Seojun beside me. He had passed out due to his low tolerance to alcohol. "He is suffering a lot. He already tried to kill himself  but i had to stop him after lying to him that that clip and cloth didn't belong to her. He is....miserable. I don't think we should blame him."

"HE IS THE ONE WHO MADE HER LOSE HER LIFE! DON'T SUPPORT HIM YOU BASTARD" Chan shouted over the phone. "Alright" i said and cut the call. Then tears welled up in my eyes as i looked at her photo on the wall. She looked so peaceful on the pic, the pre yacht party one. It was her solo pic in her black dress.  (maybe dark blue :p)

I poured myself a huge glass and gulped it down

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I poured myself a huge glass and gulped it down. The burning sensation in my throat did not help at all. Soon i passed out too.

Just someone pov-

I was on the beach with my girlfriend Yeji eating icecream. We were sharing the same cone, yet we were eating the icecream for 10 minutes now.

"I am surprised how the icecream did not melt yet" she said as she looked around. True. In this hot Australian weather, i am surprised it did not melt. You know, I feel like the happiest girl on this planet" Yeji said as she kissed me. "Aww Ms.Hwang" i said kissing her back.

"Don't aww me Minho ya, i am not a lil girl"

"But you are my little girl" Minho aka me said as I hugged her. "I am glad you could afford this Australian trip. What a way to spend our vacation" Yeji said. Sometimes i wonder whether she likes my money or me. 

"I'll go for a swim babe" I excused myself just as the topic turned to money. I felt suffocated.

"Sure" she waved me off and i jumped into the water and dived deep in.

(A/N: Lee Minho from skz does not know how to swim {which is saur cute} but lets imagine he is great at swimming here}

I kept swimming for a lot of minutes until the lifeguard blew the whistle - which indicated the swimming hours were done. I sighed and came ashore. 

What a day.

"Lee was supposed to come today" i said to Yeji just as i walked to her. "He will, he is just busy because of his friend dying. His friend died, yk that?"

"Oh sad" I said, genuinely feeling so. Losing a friend sucks. that too to death? sucks.


A/N: Lee Minho! <3 Yay

He is so cute here, uwu and somehow it lands short of his irl uwu'ness. 

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